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[Gzz] Asko 2003-02-10/11 (rst2latex)

From: Asko Soukka
Subject: [Gzz] Asko 2003-02-10/11 (rst2latex)
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 22:23:06 +0200 (EET)

8h and 10h workdays

 - tuukkah begin to help me with umldoc/tool/link-article

   * probably tuukka fouces to hypertextuality in general and
     I describe the implementation and its relations/effects to
     our software development process/working culture

   * some of currently sketched stuff will probably be dropped
     out, e.g. "Analysis from a hypertext-theory point of view"
     part don't have much to say,

 - with help of jvk I've tried to enhance rst2latex writer

   1. UML-directive will create a figure instead of image, if :caption:
      option is used. With normal picures the figure-directive is used
      normally instead of image.

   2. the UML-directive has now also width-option, whose value is
      placed wthin [width=foo] in latex. The normal image/figure directive
      has its own width-option, which accepts AFAIK only postive integers.
      Probably also scale could be used.

   3. the alt-option is used as label


      .. UML:: foo
         :caption: this text is shown with the figure
         :width: 10cm
         :alt: figure1

      .. figure:: foo.png
         :alt: figure1
         :scale: 50%  // well, I'm not sure how this works :/
         :width: 100

         this text is shown with the figure

    4. some usepackages have been removed from latex output (e.g. cites
       didn't work with babel package)

    TODO: AFAIK, we have problems with "abstract" and "authors"? Jvk
          can probably explain more about the problems left with
          figures. (FAIK at least some related to converting latex into
          pdf exists?)

Asko Soukka <address@hidden>

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