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[Gzz] Planning HT03 short paper & techs

From: Tuomas Lukka
Subject: [Gzz] Planning HT03 short paper & techs
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 11:06:30 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

We had three articles,


Of these, Navidoc and Storm were recommended for short papers and
Buoying for a Tech Brief. These we will, of course, do.

In addition to these, should we try to write about

    Gzz postmortem - Fenfire prenatal -- what changes when we move to RDF?
    Hypertextual project management using Fenfire
    Mixing xanalogical hypertext and XHTML-modularized formatting
        [[ need to know what happened to Ted's claimed impl... ]]
        [[ could also be Tech Brief or Demo... ]]


The first, at least, is quite relevant since the program committee seemed
to think we were still doing "Zig-Zag" stuff. As for the second, we need
to think about it more; the DL is 30.5 and it *would* be nice to report
that we're actually eating our own dogfood.  However, *can* we finish
all 6 papers? OTOH, they're all only two pages, but OTOH they need to be good -
quantity per se doesn't help. If sending n articles, the likelihood for any
one to pass seems to be c/n where c is some constant ;)

Hmm... maybe we need to start a document for ourselves in manuscripts/
about all the things that referees have misunderstood so that we will
remember to be more explicit about those things. Something like "common
misunderstandings about our work"

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