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[Gzz] Back at work

From: Tuomas Lukka
Subject: [Gzz] Back at work
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 09:45:00 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

I agreed with Kirsti that I'll take the rest of the holiday
(3 days) on sunny days - today there's too much risk of rain here.

So I'm back at work.

I've decided that my first effort will be to specify FenPDF officially.
This means that I'll PEG a detailed system, including UI and structure,
and all changes to the UI *must* go through the PEG process
for the official FenPDF.

Note that this does not preclude trying out things: the idea would be to make
the system modular and easily assembled from the components in Jython
so that everyone can also have their own version with their own 

The first draft will be extremely conservative, leaving out some of
the latest proposed ideas (like tool switching &c) just to get a stable

The idea is that from now on, we'll always have *the* official version
that *has* to work in a particular way, and then a wealth of testing 
versions that can do anything.

If anyone has any things that I need to take care of, please put them
in my journal.


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