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[Gzz] Check out the big savings on generic medication!

From: Hollis Crenshaw
Subject: [Gzz] Check out the big savings on generic medication!
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2006 13:11:23 -0120

Click here to enter - http://krizisa.hk/

In these spiritually barbarous, though technologically advanced, times, it would, of course, be far too unrealistic to hope that everybody would promise not to kill anybody for two days in a row. How could the human race, still woefully uninformed about the merits of locating inviolable sanctity in life itself, restrain its murderous inclinations?Even if it was something as simple as making snow-cream with your parents or grandparents, Can you remember it? It sticks out like a sore thumb, because it's warm and happy. It makes you feel a little friendlier, and it may remind you of someone very special that you love that's not with us now. It's certainly not a tradition that you want to let fall through the cracks of time! I now challenge you to think of at least the ten most important people in your life, and think of a nice craft (made by you) to give to them this year. It may be a traditional one that you have already planned, Great!, and if it includes the recipient helping to make it, Even Better! Try to start a few new traditions also, so that our future generations will have a little "extra" to remember about us. Let's keep crafting alive!
Place the tissue paper over and around the lollipop, wrap the rubberband around the base several times, and then draw your "ghostly" face on the pop with a permanent maker. (Careful though, the marker's ink will spread quickly, just a few dots is usually good enough.) This is an easy, fun, very cheap craft for the holiday, and best of all, the receiver of this gift has a nice snack also! Radial arm saws can create a similar effect. It just requires a couple of passes of the blade at different angles to complete the look The Dewalt radial arm saw was a good model, but is no longer manufactured in the U.S. (Production stopped in 1985). However, this workhorse found in many of the best workshops can still be serviced throughout the country. As with photos, scrapbooks are keepers of precious moments that you want to always be able bring back. Scrapbooks just do it in a much more meaningful way than the simple pictures within. The moments that you have captured in pictures are deeply embedded in every page, note, caption, and journal in your scrapbook. Your creativity brings the precious moments in the scrapbook back time and time again.
The feeling of "home" is often the way I like to describe it, but it goes beyond that. We should really focus now, on making sure that this does not become a lost art. Commercial use of the season can make you lazy and jaded from "doing things yourself", or "taking the time to make it from scratch", but do not let yourself forget the priceless memories that can come attached with taking the rougher road. Release any of your stories, proof and excuses of why you haven't/can't move forward with implementing the strategies that will get you out of the rat race. They are illusions. And if you say that the economy is bad or you don't know how to begin, I'll scream! You DO know what you need to do and there are tons of people prospering right now

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