Thanks for this. The site could do with more contributions, so
encouraging people to submit hardware is great. Submitting issues
is also fine, as I'm reasonably responsive now, and can at least
acknowledge the issue quickly.
At some point I'll do some work
on the help wanted wiki page.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Hello all,
I've been putting together a short blog post highlighting h-node, and
wanted to get some feedback. In particular I was wondering about the
bits about people helping out. Are the items I point people to
reasonable for users who haven't been involved on h-node before? Also, I
wanted to check whether getting an influx of new helpers might be a bit
much right at the moment; wouldn't want to swamp you guys with new users
if it would be too much.
But feel free to provide any feedback you might have, and thanks for
your help.