Hello to all!
We are discussing the development of a module concerning specific needs for the oncological sector.
The two main necessities are:
1) Register the ICD code of the disease, its TNM data (both clinical and pathological) and its correct staging classification. We are already developing a python library that exposes a function that receives the ICD, T, N and M values and returns the cancer staging (it is almost a wrapper around AJCC tables -->
https://cancerstaging.org/references-tools/Pages/What-is-Cancer-Staging.aspx) soon to be released to public under GPL 3 license :). Where is the best place to store this TNM and staging data? Should I add fields through inheritance from the Pathology class or from the PatientData class? Another option would be to create another model (lets say, NeoplasicDisease) that would have a FK to a patient.
2) It would also have to register some key dates, such as the date of the first appointment or the date of the diagnosis, the date when a relapse has been detected, the date when a progression has been detected, the date when a metastasis has been found, and the date of death, in order to create the survival analysis curve for the clinic. I know some of those dates are already registered by the system, such as date of first appointment or date of death. Should the remaining dates be registered on the same ways discussed above (on separate model or on the existing models through inheritance?)
Roberto Novaes
SÃlex Sistemas Ltda.