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[Health-dev] Fw: Recording patient weight and patient height in GNU Heal

From: address@hidden
Subject: [Health-dev] Fw: Recording patient weight and patient height in GNU Health
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 22:41:26 +0000 (GMT)

>----Original Message----
>From: address@hidden
16/11/2014 13:34 
>To: <address@hidden>, "Luis Falcon"<address@hidden>

>Subj: Recording patient weight and patient height in GNU Health
>Hi Luis and 
GNU Health devs
>Should GNU Health ask for a check/update of 
>patient weight 
(kg) (and date of recording) and patient height (cm) (and date 
>of recording) 
when creating a new patient or patient evaluation/encounter?
>the moment 
recording this important information is rather "passive" and I think 
should make it more "compulsory".
>We might also consider making this 

>information more easily viewed/monitored by adding to the "critical patient 

>information" section on the main patient screen?

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