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ronald munjoma <address@hidden>
Date: 14 August 2012 15:59
Subject: Hospitalizations
To: health <
Hi All,
A few question and suggestions:
Status Field:
Hospitalization Tree View has a field named Status, on the demo server patients have the following status: Free, Hospitalized, Cancelled, Confirmed. Most of the statuses are straight forward, what does Free mean?? Where is the status set? In form view the field is greyed out (can not be edited)
I would like to propose extra options or workflows to the Hospitalized Patient process:
1. Doctors notes on discharge: The discharging doctor, Final Diagnosis, Reason for discharge, TTO (to take out) Medication, Discharge To: Home, Another Hospital (Transfer)
2. Follow Up Arrangements: ability to create an appointment on discharge - usually a discharged patient is supposed to have a check up/review/follow up appointment, I think it is a nice to have to be able to create the appointment at discharge.
3. Ability to create Health Invoice - since patient is been discharged her bill might be calculated and presented to her or even required to be settled before leaving the hospital.
Bed and Ward Management:
Is it possible to have a patient transfer from one bed (in the same ward) to another and from one ward to a different ward?
Use scenarios:
a). Patient is initially admitted on a Stretcher bed and now needs to be transferred to a low bed in the same ward
b). Patient is initially admitted in a general ward and has to be transferred to the maternity ward (transfer from one ward to another and change of bed at the same time). In this example where applicable transferred back the general ward after delivery.
In both scenarios the initially occupied ward/bed needs to freed up in the system and the new ward/bed need to have occupied status.
Regards and thanks
Ronald Munjoma