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[Health] Error printing pdf reports

From: Humberto Freitas
Subject: [Health] Error printing pdf reports
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2019 12:11:48 +0100

Hello guys,

Thank you all so much for your fantastic work. You guys are the best…

Can you check that you have an updated version of unoconv on python3 ?

You should get something like this:

$unoconv --version
unoconv 0.8.2
Written by Dag Wieers <address@hidden>
Homepage at
platform posix/linux
python 3.7.3 (default, Apr 09 2019, 05:18:21) [GCC]

please try, with the gnuhealth admin user

$ pip3 install --user --upgrade unoconv

And restart the server

Let me know how it goes

Hello Luis,

I’m sorry for answering so late, I was out of the office and couldn’t test your solution.

So, as you recommended I tried to run
$unoconv —version
And this was the response:
unoconv: Cannot find a suitable pyuno library and python binary combination in /usr/lib/libreoffice
ERROR: No module named 'uno'

unoconv: Cannot find a suitable office installation on your system.
ERROR: Please locate your office installation and send your feedback to:
So I duckduckgo(ed) this error and could find that this issues is caused when a system has different python versions installed, which in my case I’ve got Python 2.7, Python 3.5 and Python 3.7.

After reading the issue on the unoconv GITHUB page and following the advice given here:, I tried it and guess what, it worked.

These are the steps I did:
1. Find where and files are located: In my case, the files where in the Python 3.5 dist-packages
2. Copy both files, and, to the Python 3.7 site-packages
3. And VOILÀ… It’s working, I can now print all the reports as pdf files.

Now, when I run
$ unoconv —version
unoconv 0.8.2
Written by Dag Wieers <address@hidden>

platform posix/linux
python 3.7.3 (default, Jul 23 2019, 16:16:42) 
[GCC 6.3.0 20170516]

After all, I’ve tried to print a pdf report, and it’s working as expected ;)


Humberto Freitas

Cell phone: +244 944 775 334
email: address@hidden

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