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Re: [Health] Histopathology results reporting template vs other lab

From: Luis Falcon
Subject: Re: [Health] Histopathology results reporting template vs other lab
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2024 09:15:30 +0000

Dear Yusuf

On Sun, 21 Jan 2024 23:37:33 +0100
Yusuf Suleiman <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have suggested a Gnuhealth to be the HIS for the routing results
> reporting in one pathology laboratory, and I have the following
> observations.
> 1. The results reporting template of histopathology lab is not the
> same with other laboratories such as microbiology or hematology. 2.
> The routine procedures are also different. 3. The results reporting
> template can be modify to fit histology lab but only if the
> institution is not offering other laboratory investigation such as
> chemistry and so on. 4. Many institutions may not want to marge
> different departments/units test reports in a single template.
> With this, I am suggesting if possible, different templates for the
> major laboratory departments or units can be created.
> For example, at a point where we register for the services (under
> products module) on gnuhealth like “urine culture”, we do select if
> the service we are registering belong to imagine or laboratory. For
> that matter, major laboratory departments/units (histopathology,
> microbiology/bacteriology, hematology, and chemical-pathology) can
> come up, So that if I am registering “urine culture”, I can select a
> microbiology in place of the laboratory that we do select. 
> This will allow for each unit template to be tag with all
> investigations under a selected department.

Thank you for reaching out, for your suggestions and for reccomending
GNUHealth as a LIS :)

For the samples on histopathology, I would reccomend using the GNU
Health camera plugin of the GTK client. The good thing about the plugin
is that you can use it on microscopes and other devices. 

When you capture the sample using the pluging, it will automatically
attach it to the specific model, so if you're on the lab test results,
it will put it there.

More info here:

Have a great weekend!

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