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[Hegemonie-devel] trunk sadistically

From: Frederik Reeves
Subject: [Hegemonie-devel] trunk sadistically
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2006 10:44:55 -0600

Two of the jeds want her, and theothers wont let either have her.
The headwas very angry about it, and became quite abusive, reviling Ras Thavas.
There was much whispering and speculation.
He was Ulysses Paxton of Jasoom, andhe was my assistant in my laboratory at Toonol.
He took us to another room where reconstructionwork was carried on. You should give such a brain as mine a fine looking body, saidTor-dur-bar. Once there, I can find the opportunity to discover what hasbecome of Janai. He was very anxious that you andI be friends.
The blood I have withdrawn is also preservedsimilarly. The guard overtookme and laid a hand upon my shoulder.
Perhaps you want her for yourself, and he burstinto laughter.
Now, on Mars, we hold to a very different theory of creation andevolution. What good shall I be, he demanded, with only a head and one leg? I FIND JANAISeven other Hormads were lined up with me before the dais on which satthe seven jeds. Prompted by curiosity, he broke open other shells; and the peopling ofBarsoom commenced.
I feel quite sorry for you whoare only a piece of animal tissue that can walk around and talk. You are goingto give me a beautiful new body and face?
I picked up one of the rejected hormads and threw him as high as Icould.
Where I could take her, Idid not know; but to get her out of here would be something. I tossedhim almost to the ceiling of the room, and caught him as he came down. At the far end of the room was awindow, and in one of the side walls another door. Some day you will understand, but not yet. Come, said Ras Thavas, to the spawning of the monsters.
He stepped to the door at the end of the corridor and swung it open.
I succeeded quite beyond my expectations, or his either.

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