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Re: [Help-bash] Selecting from entries that would display more than one

From: Peng Yu
Subject: Re: [Help-bash] Selecting from entries that would display more than one screen
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2011 09:08:48 -0600

> dialog, whiptail, xdialog, zenity, etc.

I forgot to mention that I had tried dialog before I sent the original
question. Dialog's --radiolist is relevant to my question. But it is
not what I am looking for. When there are many items, I still have to
scroll to find the item. When there are fewer items that can fit in
one screen, no selection can be done by just typing 2 keys (2 keys are
sufficient for my example code when there are less than 10 items).

What I'm looking for is something that allows me to select along both
a small number or a large number of items. In both case, I want to
type as fewer keys as possible. The lineage along the line of dialog
fails this requirement.


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