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Re: [Help-bash] redirection - stdout

From: John Kearney
Subject: Re: [Help-bash] redirection - stdout
Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 08:40:39 +0200
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if ! [ -t 1 ]; then
   exec 3>&1
   exec 1>$(tty)

doing this
will close &3 as well.

note doing this
exec 1>/dev/fd/1
is the same as doing this
exec 1>&1

Am 28.05.2012 04:32, schrieb Bill Gradwohl:
I'm trying to detect when a scripts stdout is redirected, and then create another fd to accept the redirection but put fd 1 back to the terminal. I need fd 1 & fd 2 pointing at the terminal and fd 3 pointing at the file. All of them open at the same time.

Setting up fd 3 is OK. but I can't get fd 1 connected back to the terminal as though redirection never happened.

Assume the script below is called redir.

if ! [ -t 1 ]; then
   exec 3>&1
   echo "went to 3">&3

#   exec 1>/proc/self/fd/1
#   exec 1>/dev/stdout
#   exec 1>/dev/fd/1
   echo "went to 1"

As is produces:
address@hidden ycc# ./redir >xxx; cat xxx
went to 3
went to 1

I closed fd1 and yet the naked echo ends up in the file. I don't understand how that works after a close.

The 3 comments are my attempts to reconnect fd back to the console / terminal.
Activating any one of them causes the output that went to fd3 to disappear, probably do to fd 1 stepping on the file anew.

How does one connect a fd to the console, NOT USING fd 1 or fd 2 targets?

Thank You

Bill Gradwohl

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