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Re: [Help-bash] Smart way to override nocaseglob for a single glob?

From: John Kearney
Subject: Re: [Help-bash] Smart way to override nocaseglob for a single glob?
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2013 05:41:08 +0100
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Am 04.03.2013 06:02, schrieb Dan Douglas:
On Monday, March 04, 2013 01:38:57 AM Marcel Partap wrote:
Dear folks,
because of the improvement it gives when working in mixed case 
environments (f.e. when working with digital photos from FAT volumes - 
often the extension might be uppercase - *.jpg will not match these 
without nocaseglob) I have the flag universally enabled. But every now 
and then, I checkout some software repository and would like to have a 
gaze at the docs, historically uppercase text files in the project's 
root directory like README, INSTALL, NEWS, TODO..
However, with nocaseglob enabled, the expedient "ls 
[[:upper:]][[:upper:]]*" returns *nothing*. Looking at the source I 
figured out the reason seems to be bash setting the REG_ICASE flag, 
which makes sense. The response of the regex function to completly drop 
the [:upper:] character class is unexpected behaviour for me, but hardly 
a bug.
Can anyone come up with something more elegant then f.e.
( shopt -u nocaseglob; ls -d /usr/src/repositories/*/[[:upper:]]
[[:upper:]]* ); shopt nocaseglob
Not that the issue can't be worked around, but^^
Maybe a regular old character range:

LC_COLLATE=C; echo [A-Z]*

Or an alias (untested):

{ alias withCase=$(</dev/fd/0); } <<-\EOF
    if shopt -q nocaseglob; then
        shopt -u nocaseglob
    fi <<-EOG
        shopt -s nocaseglob
        unset -v PROMPT_COMMAND
        eval \${PROMPT_COMMAND:=$(printf %q "$PROMPT_COMMAND")};

ksh93 has a pattern modifier syntax:

echo ~(Ni)*

is equivalent to: `shopt -s nocaseglob nullglob' up until the next ~(...) or 
the end of the pattern. However you sacrifice a lot of the other interactive 
features that come with Bash, and it would take a ton of scripting to add them 
Not sure if you want this on the command line or in scripts.
if its in scripts maybe you should do it the other way around.

i.e. just not use nocaseglob, it is also be more portable.

if its for the command line, can't think of any generic bash solution i like I'd probably just use use find instead.

find  -maxdepth 1 -name '*.jpg'

find  -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.jpg'   # ignore case

find  -maxdepth 1 -name '[[:upper:]][[:upper:]]*.jpg'


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