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Re: [Help-bash] Why bash does not recoganize array type smartly?

From: Dan Douglas
Subject: Re: [Help-bash] Why bash does not recoganize array type smartly?
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 18:40:32 +0000

On 3/16/16, Stephane Chazelas <address@hidden> wrote:
> 2016-03-16 14:22:41 +0000, Dan Douglas:
> [...]
>> An example problem I'm having right now that might be more easily
>> solved is lots of bash shells opened in tmux sessions, where If i log
>> in more than once and re-attach, there's no way to synchronize the
>> environment of all my running shells with the updated tmux session.
>> With dbus-glib support in bash I could potentially register a bash
>> function with dbus and call it from the new login session to update
>> the environment (without having to rely on sigusr traps).
> [...]
> Sounds like you could use some
> ~/.tmux/bash-sessions/${TMUX//\/_} files and a $PROMPT_COMMAND
> that sources them for that (assuming I understand what your
> saying).

That's basically what my current solution is. I heard zsh has a
pre-command variable that would be much better but I still need some
ugly hacks to make it work.

It's partly tmux's fault for managing the environment strangely. It
gives you a way to copy parts of the client's environment into tmux's
session environment (blowing away the existing environment) but no way
to access (or remember) the environment of all attached clients

I currently use an attach hook to update the global environment plus
some bindings that call shell functions for copy/pasting the X
selection. The tricky bit is executing bash with an empty environment,
passing in a function to get what the environment of a new login shell
would be plus the TMUX variable that gets wiped from the environment
when executing bash.

Anyway, the dbus thing would be an RPC mechanism. A directory filled
with fifos/files for every shell leaves much to be desired.

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