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Re: [Help-bash] checking file line: 'commit;'

From: Paolo Supino
Subject: Re: [Help-bash] checking file line: 'commit;'
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2016 16:59:57 +0200

Hi John

Thanx for the solution, In the lack of a all bash solution, I did something
very similar but kept on looking for an all bash solution, which with a
great insight from Greg Wooledge made it work :-)


On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 4:53 PM, John McKown <address@hidden>

> On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 9:34 AM, Paolo Supino <address@hidden>
> wrote:
>> Hi Chet
>> thank you for the reply, I tried [ "$string" = 'commit;' ] but it didn't
>> work :-( and I don't think that case cuts it for my problem.
>> Maybe it's worth writing what I'm trying to achieve... I have a set of
>> directories with a lot (10 of thousands) of SQL scripts that I need to
>> verify that the last statement is 'commit;'...
>> What I thought of doing was: If while reading a SQL script if it meets
>> 'commit;' remember the line number it found it on (I use readarray/mapfile
>> and for loop to parse the SQL scripts). Afterwards check if another index
>> that gets incremented every time there's a SQL statement in the script. If
>> the second index is bigger than 'commit;' line number point it out...
>> If anyone has a better solution, I'm willing to read and learn...
> ​I'm not sure that this is "better", but it should work. What this does is
> check that the last line of a given file has the string "commit;" possibly
> followed by some blanks.
> cat ${file} | tail -n 1 | egrep '(^|[[:space:];)commit​; *$' || echo "last
> thing in ${file} does not end with a commit;"
> In a little script, this might look like:
> for file in *;do
>     cat "${file}" | tail -n 1 | egrep '(^|[[:space:];])commit; *$' || echo
> "Last data in ${file} does not in with a commit;"
> done
> The regular expression in the egrep command can be translated into English
> something like: Find the string "commit;" in the line. It can be preceded
> by the start of line, any "white space" character (blank, tab, etc), or a
> semi-colon. It can be followed by zero or more space characters before the
> end of the line. The "tail -n 1" just copies the last line of the file into
> the egrep.
>> TIA
>> Paolo
> --
> Klein bottle for rent -- inquire within.
> Maranatha! <><
> John McKown

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