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Re: [Help-bash] Using PE to specify an array

From: Bruce Hohl
Subject: Re: [Help-bash] Using PE to specify an array
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2018 11:36:25 -0400

@Greg, it is an interesting happen-stance that you replied as my question
arose from my pass at completing your duplicate file finder "exercise" at  "If you want to "fix" this
"problem", you might suppress all the printing until the end, and then
iterate over the whole array and print only those values that contain a
newline. (This is left as an exercise.)"  So with your suggestion to use
nameref vars the following seems to work:

=== Duplicate file finder exercise === (NO comments)
while read -r md5_hash file; do
  declare -n ind_var_hash=$var_hash
  [[ address@hidden -eq 1 ]] && declare -a dup_array+="($var_hash)"
  declare -a ${!ind_var_hash}+="('$file')"
done < <(find "${1:-.}" -name $'*\n*' -prune -o -type f -exec md5sum {} +)

declare -n e
for e in address@hidden; do
  echo ${!e}
  for f in address@hidden; do echo "  $f"; done

=== Duplicate file finder exercise === (WITH comments):

# Usage: finddups [directory]
# If no directory is specified, start in .

# This script uses Linux-specific md5sum
# and bash 4.X nameref

while read -r md5_hash file; do
     # prefix hash so the string does not begin
     # with a numeric (not allowed as var name)

  declare -n ind_var_hash=$var_hash
     # use nameref var here & below to avoid substitution errors
     # that occur with attempts at nested parameter expansion

  [[ address@hidden -eq 1 ]] && declare -a dup_array+="($var_hash)"
     # if array ind_var_hash has a second element (from a prior iteration)
     # then there is at least one 1 duplicate of the file, thus add
     # to dup_array

  declare -a ${!ind_var_hash}+="('$file')"
     # declare/add $file to related $var_hash array, regarding "('$file')"
     # outside quotes required else assignment fails with syntax error
     # inside single quotes suppress word splitting

done < <(find "${1:-.}" -name $'*\n*' -prune -o -type f -exec md5sum {} +)

declare -n e
for e in address@hidden; do
  echo ${!e}
  for f in address@hidden; do echo "  $f"; done
     # 'declare -n e' -n assigns the bash nameref attribute to var e
     # see man page regarding effect within a for loop

Thanks for your reply & I definitely appreciate your wiki.
It's been very helpful for improving my understanding of bash.

On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 11:06 AM Jesse Hathaway <address@hidden>

> On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 7:34 AM Bruce Hohl <address@hidden> wrote:
> > # I DID EXPECT THIS TO WORK as it seems to expand as desired.
> > $ _$var1+="(789)"
> > bash: _ugly_hash+=(789): command not found
> eval is a possible option
> eval "_${var1}+=(789)"
> unless there is a more idiomatic way of having bash perform the
> interpolation on the variable name.

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