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[Help-bash] unset all elements but not the whole array

From: Peng Yu
Subject: [Help-bash] unset all elements but not the whole array
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2019 22:23:11 -0500


I don't see an easy way to unset all elements but not the whole array.
In the following example, I still want the variable x be accessible.
Is it possible with one command? Thanks.

$ declare -a x=(a b c)
$ unset x
$ declare -p x
-bash: declare: x: not found
$ help unset
unset: unset [-f] [-v] [-n] [name ...]
    Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.

    For each NAME, remove the corresponding variable or function.

      -f    treat each NAME as a shell function
      -v    treat each NAME as a shell variable
      -n    treat each NAME as a name reference and unset the variable itself
            rather than the variable it references

    Without options, unset first tries to unset a variable, and if that fails,
    tries to unset a function.

    Some variables cannot be unset; also see `readonly'.

    Exit Status:
    Returns success unless an invalid option is given or a NAME is read-only.


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