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Re: [Help-bash] Why empty key is not allowed?

From: Peng Yu
Subject: Re: [Help-bash] Why empty key is not allowed?
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2019 19:31:17 -0500

Another problem is that when the key is empty, the value can not be
empty. I don't understand the rationale of having this as an error. It
is more intuitive to allow empty value no matter what the keys are.

$ declare -A x
$ x[""]=
-bash: x[""]: bad array subscript
$ x[a]=

On 9/21/19, Chris F.A. Johnson <address@hidden> wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Sep 2019, Peng Yu wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to assign an empty key to an associated array.
>> $ declare -A x
>> $ x[]=1
>> -bash: x[]: bad array subscript
>> But I got this error. Is it not allowed? Or I am not doing it correctly?
>> The manpage says this. So empty string should be allowed?
>> "associative arrays are referenced using arbitrary strings."
> And empty string IS allowed. You are not using any string; that is not
> allowed.
> x[""]=1
> --
>     Chris F.A. Johnson                         <>
>     =========================== Author: ===============================
>     Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)
>     Pro Bash Programming: Scripting the GNU/Linux shell (2009, Apress)


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