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Re: Necessary and sufficient conditions for using file descriptor redire

From: Koichi Murase
Subject: Re: Necessary and sufficient conditions for using file descriptor redirection
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 15:29:33 +0900

2021年3月31日(水) 8:46 Peng Yu <>:
> What are the necessary and sufficient conditions in which redirection
> to file descriptor should be used? Thanks.

I assume you are talking about the use case of `exec <redirections>'.

One case is that a user wants to keep the file opened among different
commands in an interactive session.

Another case is that one wants to open/close/reopen files with dynamic
conditions. Something like

while condition1; do
  if condition2; then
    exec 3> file
  if condition3; then
    exec 3>&-

But I agree that in many cases it can be rewritten without using `exec
redirections'. We can just sometimes write a code in a cleaner way
using `exec redirections'.


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