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Passing list of filename suffixes to script.

From: dora-solomon
Subject: Passing list of filename suffixes to script.
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2021 19:11:58 +0200 (CEST)

From: Greg Wooledge <>
Subject: Re: Passing list of filename suffixes to script.
Date: 24/07/2021 19:01:28 Europe/Paris

On Sat, Jul 24, 2021 at 06:57:34PM +0200, wrote:
> Yes, it is for an rsync functionality.  I would like to gather the suffixes 
> together as I 
> will do some other checks in addition to rsync and some status logs.

> Showing us an example of the rsync command you want to create would be
> ideal.

> In the absence of that, I'll just guess that you want to receive a list
> of suffixes, such as:

> .c
> .h
> ,v

> And generate a command like this:

> rsync --accept="*.c" --accept="*.h" --accept="*,v"

Yes, you are quite right.  Or 

call_rsync -i{.c,.f} -- more here for rsync

There is the problem of how to pass ,v and other non-period suffixes. 

> Here's how I would do it:


for arg; do

args+=( other rsync arguments here )

rsync "${args[@]}"

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