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Re: Understanding Interpreter Spoofing

From: Kerin Millar
Subject: Re: Understanding Interpreter Spoofing
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2021 14:31:26 +0000

On Sat, 04 Dec 2021 04:24:17 +0000
iam_chunky_pie via <> wrote:

> Hello everyone,


> Noob here. I'm teaching myself bash and have come to a section regarding 
> interpreter spoofing. I feel confident (but could be wrong,) I understand the 
> concept based on what I've earned (I'll spare everyone a review.)
> However, I'm not able to reproduce the spoof? I've googled "interpreter 
> spoofing," "setuid root spoofing attacks" but all I get in return is the 
> theory on what it is and how to avoid it. Has this vulnerability been fixed 
> in bash or in Linux in general. I believe while trying to find an answer on 
> my own, I saw something to that effect that suid and sguid are basically not 
> allowed anymore in Linux and thought maybe something similar applied to how 
> the shell uses that magic line to run scripts. Below is the sample script I 
> tried to spoof and the commands I ran to try to reproduce the spoof.

Indeed, the Linux kernel ignores the setuid and setgid bits for binaries that 
are handled by the BINFMT_SCRIPT loader. See The shell doesn't use 
the shebang at all. Instead, it is treated as a comment.

> Sampe Script:
> #!/bin/bash
> echo "did you pop a shell!"
> Commands:
> chmod 4750 script

As such, this mode won't affect how the script is executed by the kernel.

> mv script ~/-i
> PATH=.
> -i

In this instance, ./-i as conveyed as an argument to the interpreter 
(/bin/bash). Therefore, it won't be treated as an option.

Kerin Millar

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