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Re: using valgrind on a loadable builtin

From: Robert E. Griffith
Subject: Re: using valgrind on a loadable builtin
Date: Thu, 26 May 2022 13:41:13 -0400
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In case someone reads the archive in search for a similar situation, this is what ultimately worked for me to get valgrind analysis on my loadable builtin runs.

I rebuilt bash to use glibc's malloc. Passing --without-bash-malloc to configure did not seem to work for me -- maybe I misunderstood where to use it.    I edited the configure script manually to change...

   $ grep "^opt_bash_malloc=" configure
   opt_bash_malloc=no  # changed yes to no
   $ ./configure; make clean; make CFLAGS="-g -O0"

Confirmed that worked by observing 'objdump -t bash | grep malloc' before contained sh_malloc and after did not (amung others)

For some reason I dont understand, running "valgrind bash -c ""' valgrind would only print its starting comments and nothing else.  Maybe because was crashing?

What worked was this...

   $ valgrind  --log-file=valgrind.log --leak-check=full    
../../bashParse/bash # your options and path to bash may vary
   (new bash prompt)$ echo $$
   (new bash prompt)$ source
   (new bash prompt)$ exit # only if did not end the bash process
   $ grep <thePID> valgrind.log valgrind.log.myscript

valgrind.log contained a lot of information about each subshell bash created along the way so that is why I filtered for the top level bash pid.

Once I got this working, valgrind made it clear where the bug was (I had accidentally misplaced the +1 for the terminator in the expression --  malloc(strlen(s1)+strlen(s2+1))


On 5/25/22 21:52, Robert E. Griffith wrote:
Oh! That makes sense now. Thanks. I was inspecting the memory and was confused that it did not seem to use the same chunk structure of the glibc malloc.


On 5/25/22 18:19, Eduardo Bustamante wrote:
On Wed, May 25, 2022 at 10:44 AM Robert E. Griffith <> wrote:

    I am trying to to use valgrind memcheck on my loadable builtin
    which is
    getting a "corrupted size vs. prev_size" error but its output is
    suspiciously clean and when I use the -v (verbose) switch I do not
    any msg about my builtin's .so being loaded even though I do see
    confirmation that the builtin gets loaded and ran in the output. So I
    suspect that it is not monitoring my .so.

    I am running it like...

        valgrind -v  ../../bashParse/bash -c  'bg-dev tests run'

    The script enables my builtin.

    bash and my builtin are being built with -g and no -O<n>

    Anyone have any tips on getting meaningful output from valgrind for a
    loadable builtin?

Bash provides its own (lib/malloc/) malloc implementation.  When building bash, you can provide --without-bash-malloc to the configure script to instead link against the libc malloc. You can search for see opt_bash_malloc in "configure", or the USING_BASH_MALLOC macro.

You can review these files to see how it's all hooked up: builtins.h, general.h, xmalloc.h

Valgrind is not capable of tracing the malloc that Bash provides.

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