test1.y:476.58-59: $4 of `Notification' has no declared type test1.y:478.58-59: $5 of `Notification' has no declared type test1.y:480.58-59: $8 of `Notification' has no declared type test1.y:482.58-59: $8 of `Notification' has no declared type test1.y:484.58-60: $10 of `Notification' has no declared type test1.y:486.58-59: $6 of `Notification' has no declared type test1.y:488.58-59: $8 of `Notification' has no declared type test1.y:490.58-60: $10 of `Notification' has no declared type test1.y:518.45-46: $$ of `CallEventDetail_iter' has no declared type test1.y:561.58-59: $2 of `BatchControlInfo' has no declared type test1.y:563.58-59: $3 of `BatchControlInfo' has no declared type test1.y:565.58-59: $5 of `BatchControlInfo' has no declared type test1.y:567.58-59: $5 of `BatchControlInfo' has no declared type test1.y:569.58-59: $6 of `BatchControlInfo' has no declared type test1.y:571.58-59: $4 of `BatchControlInfo' has no declared type test1.y:573.58-59: $5 of `BatchControlInfo' has no declared type test1.y:575.58-59: $6 of `BatchControlInfo' has no declared type test1.y:579.45-46: $$ of `AccountingInfo' has no declared type test1.y:591.55-56: $7 of `AccountingInfo' has no declared type test1.y:604.45-46: $$ of `NetworkInfo' has no declared type test1.y:612.45-46: $$ of `VasInfoList' has no declared type test1.y:617.45-46: $$ of `VasInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:621.45-46: $$ of `MessageDescriptionInfoList' has no declared type test1.y:627.45-46: $$ of `MessageDescriptionInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:664.37-38: $8 of `MobileOriginatedCall' has no declared type test1.y:667.37-38: $8 of `MobileOriginatedCall' has no declared type test1.y:670.37-38: $8 of `MobileOriginatedCall' has no declared type test1.y:673.37-38: $8 of `MobileOriginatedCall' has no declared type test1.y:676.37-38: $8 of `MobileOriginatedCall' has no declared type test1.y:679.37-38: $8 of `MobileOriginatedCall' has no declared type test1.y:682.37-38: $8 of `MobileOriginatedCall' has no declared type test1.y:720.37-38: $8 of `MobileTerminatedCall' has no declared type test1.y:723.37-38: $8 of `MobileTerminatedCall' has no declared type test1.y:726.37-38: $8 of `MobileTerminatedCall' has no declared type test1.y:729.37-38: $8 of `MobileTerminatedCall' has no declared type test1.y:732.37-38: $8 of `MobileTerminatedCall' has no declared type test1.y:735.37-38: $8 of `MobileTerminatedCall' has no declared type test1.y:738.37-38: $8 of `MobileTerminatedCall' has no declared type test1.y:777.57-58: $4 of `SupplServiceEvent' has no declared type test1.y:779.57-58: $9 of `SupplServiceEvent' has no declared type test1.y:784.59-60: $9 of `SupplServiceEvent' has no declared type test1.y:786.56-57: $9 of `SupplServiceEvent' has no declared type test1.y:788.54-55: $4 of `SupplServiceEvent' has no declared type test1.y:790.56-57: $9 of `SupplServiceEvent' has no declared type test1.y:792.56-57: $9 of `SupplServiceEvent' has no declared type test1.y:794.53-54: $9 of `SupplServiceEvent' has no declared type test1.y:796.56-57: $5 of `SupplServiceEvent' has no declared type test1.y:798.57-58: $6 of `SupplServiceEvent' has no declared type test1.y:800.55-56: $9 of `SupplServiceEvent' has no declared type test1.y:804.40-41: $9 of `SupplServiceEvent' has no declared type test1.y:807.37-38: $9 of `SupplServiceEvent' has no declared type test1.y:810.37-38: $9 of `SupplServiceEvent' has no declared type test1.y:815.49-50: $9 of `SupplServiceEvent' has no declared type test1.y:862.66-67: $3 of `GprsCall' has no declared type test1.y:913.37-38: $4 of `AuditControlInfo' has no declared type test1.y:913.65-66: $6 of `AuditControlInfo' has no declared type test1.y:926.41-42: $4 of `AuditControlInfo' has no declared type test1.y:935.57-58: $2 of `AuditControlInfo' has no declared type test1.y:938.57-58: $3 of `AuditControlInfo' has no declared type test1.y:943.43-44: $4 of `AuditControlInfo' has no declared type test1.y:945.43-44: $6 of `AuditControlInfo' has no declared type test1.y:949.45-46: $$ of `AccessPointNameNI' has no declared type test1.y:952.49-50: $$ of `AccessPointNameNI' has no declared type test1.y:952.54-55: $2 of `AccessPointNameNI' has no declared type test1.y:954.45-46: $$ of `AccessPointNameOI' has no declared type test1.y:957.49-50: $$ of `AccessPointNameOI' has no declared type test1.y:957.54-55: $2 of `AccessPointNameOI' has no declared type test1.y:960.45-46: $$ of `ActualDeliveryTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:963.55-56: $$ of `ActualDeliveryTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:963.60-61: $2 of `ActualDeliveryTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:965.45-46: $$ of `AddressStringDigits' has no declared type test1.y:968.51-52: $$ of `AddressStringDigits' has no declared type test1.y:968.56-57: $2 of `AddressStringDigits' has no declared type test1.y:969.37-38: $$ of `AddressStringDigits' has no declared type test1.y:969.42-43: $1 of `AddressStringDigits' has no declared type test1.y:972.33-34: $$ of `AddressStringDigits' has no declared type test1.y:975.45-46: $$ of `AdvisedCharge' has no declared type test1.y:978.45-46: $$ of `AdvisedCharge' has no declared type test1.y:978.50-51: $2 of `AdvisedCharge' has no declared type test1.y:980.45-46: $$ of `AdvisedChargeCurrency' has no declared type test1.y:983.53-54: $$ of `AdvisedChargeCurrency' has no declared type test1.y:983.58-59: $2 of `AdvisedChargeCurrency' has no declared type test1.y:986.45-46: $$ of `AdvisedChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:995.45-46: $$ of `AgeOfLocation' has no declared type test1.y:998.45-46: $$ of `AgeOfLocation' has no declared type test1.y:998.50-51: $2 of `AgeOfLocation' has no declared type test1.y:1000.45-46: $$ of `AiurRequested' has no declared type test1.y:1003.45-46: $$ of `AiurRequested' has no declared type test1.y:1003.50-51: $2 of `AiurRequested' has no declared type test1.y:1005.45-46: $$ of `BasicHSCSDParameters' has no declared type test1.y:1013.33-34: $$ of `BasicHSCSDParameters' has no declared type test1.y:1014.34-35: $$ of `BasicHSCSDParameters' has no declared type test1.y:1014.56-57: $2 of `BasicHSCSDParameters' has no declared type test1.y:1015.34-35: $$ of `BasicHSCSDParameters' has no declared type test1.y:1015.56-57: $3 of `BasicHSCSDParameters' has no declared type test1.y:1016.34-35: $$ of `BasicHSCSDParameters' has no declared type test1.y:1016.56-57: $4 of `BasicHSCSDParameters' has no declared type test1.y:1017.34-35: $$ of `BasicHSCSDParameters' has no declared type test1.y:1017.56-57: $5 of `BasicHSCSDParameters' has no declared type test1.y:1020.45-46: $$ of `BasicService' has no declared type test1.y:1033.33-34: $$ of `BasicService' has no declared type test1.y:1034.34-35: $$ of `BasicService' has no declared type test1.y:1034.58-59: $2 of `BasicService' has no declared type test1.y:1035.34-35: $$ of `BasicService' has no declared type test1.y:1035.58-59: $2 of `BasicService' has no declared type test1.y:1036.34-35: $$ of `BasicService' has no declared type test1.y:1036.58-59: $4 of `BasicService' has no declared type test1.y:1037.34-35: $$ of `BasicService' has no declared type test1.y:1037.57-59: $10 of `BasicService' has no declared type test1.y:1038.34-35: $$ of `BasicService' has no declared type test1.y:1038.58-59: $3 of `BasicService' has no declared type test1.y:1039.34-35: $$ of `BasicService' has no declared type test1.y:1039.58-59: $5 of `BasicService' has no declared type test1.y:1040.34-35: $$ of `BasicService' has no declared type test1.y:1040.58-59: $6 of `BasicService' has no declared type test1.y:1046.33-34: $$ of `BasicServiceCode' has no declared type test1.y:1047.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceCode' has no declared type test1.y:1047.55-56: $1 of `BasicServiceCode' has no declared type test1.y:1051.33-34: $$ of `BasicServiceCode' has no declared type test1.y:1052.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceCode' has no declared type test1.y:1052.55-56: $1 of `BasicServiceCode' has no declared type test1.y:1055.45-46: $$ of `BasicServiceCodeList' has no declared type test1.y:1058.52-53: $$ of `BasicServiceCodeList' has no declared type test1.y:1058.57-58: $2 of `BasicServiceCodeList' has no declared type test1.y:1060.45-46: $$ of `BasicServiceCode_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1063.31-32: $1 of `BasicServiceCode_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1064.31-32: $1 of `BasicServiceCode_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1066.31-32: $$ of `BasicServiceCode_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1066.36-37: $2 of `BasicServiceCode_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1070.31-32: $$ of `BasicServiceCode_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1070.36-37: $1 of `BasicServiceCode_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1082.33-34: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1083.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1083.57-58: $2 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1084.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1084.57-58: $2 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1085.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1085.57-58: $4 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1086.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1086.57-58: $4 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1087.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1087.57-58: $2 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1088.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1088.57-58: $2 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1089.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1089.57-58: $4 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1090.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1090.57-58: $4 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1091.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1091.57-58: $4 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1092.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1092.57-58: $4 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1093.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1093.57-58: $6 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1094.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1094.57-58: $6 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1095.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1095.57-58: $6 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1096.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1096.57-58: $6 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1097.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1097.57-58: $4 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1098.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1098.57-58: $4 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1099.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1099.57-58: $2 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1100.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1101.34-35: $2 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1102.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1103.34-35: $2 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1104.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1104.57-58: $4 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1105.34-35: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1105.57-58: $4 of `BasicServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1108.45-46: $$ of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1113.31-32: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1116.42-43: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1121.47-48: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1127.60-61: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1132.60-61: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1136.56-57: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1142.40-41: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1145.57-58: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1147.57-58: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1150.37-38: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1153.37-38: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1156.37-38: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1159.37-38: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1162.37-38: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1165.37-38: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1168.37-38: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1173.49-50: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1176.37-38: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1179.37-38: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1182.37-38: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1187.55-56: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1189.55-56: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1191.55-56: $2 of `BasicServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1196.45-46: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1199.31-32: $1 of `BasicServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1200.31-32: $1 of `BasicServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1201.31-32: $1 of `BasicServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1202.31-32: $1 of `BasicServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1203.31-32: $1 of `BasicServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1205.31-32: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1205.36-37: $2 of `BasicServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1209.31-32: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1209.36-37: $1 of `BasicServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1211.39-40: $$ of `BasicServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1212.45-46: $1 of `BasicServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1213.45-46: $2 of `BasicServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1219.49-50: $$ of `BearerServiceCode' has no declared type test1.y:1219.54-55: $2 of `BearerServiceCode' has no declared type test1.y:1221.45-46: $$ of `CalledCountryCode' has no declared type test1.y:1224.49-50: $$ of `CalledCountryCode' has no declared type test1.y:1224.54-55: $2 of `CalledCountryCode' has no declared type test1.y:1232.45-46: $$ of `CalledNumAnalysisCode' has no declared type test1.y:1235.53-54: $$ of `CalledNumAnalysisCode' has no declared type test1.y:1235.58-59: $2 of `CalledNumAnalysisCode' has no declared type test1.y:1237.45-46: $$ of `CalledNumAnalysisList' has no declared type test1.y:1242.45-46: $$ of `CalledNumAnalysis_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1245.45-46: $$ of `CalledPlace' has no declared type test1.y:1248.43-44: $$ of `CalledPlace' has no declared type test1.y:1248.48-49: $2 of `CalledPlace' has no declared type test1.y:1250.49-50: $$ of `CalledPlace' has no declared type test1.y:1252.45-46: $$ of `CalledRegion' has no declared type test1.y:1255.44-45: $$ of `CalledRegion' has no declared type test1.y:1255.49-50: $2 of `CalledRegion' has no declared type test1.y:1257.50-51: $$ of `CalledRegion' has no declared type test1.y:1259.45-46: $$ of `CallEventDetailsCount' has no declared type test1.y:1262.53-54: $$ of `CallEventDetailsCount' has no declared type test1.y:1262.58-59: $2 of `CallEventDetailsCount' has no declared type test1.y:1265.45-46: $$ of `CallEventStartTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:1268.55-56: $$ of `CallEventStartTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:1268.60-61: $2 of `CallEventStartTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:1270.45-46: $$ of `CallOriginator' has no declared type test1.y:1276.33-34: $$ of `CallOriginator' has no declared type test1.y:1277.34-35: $$ of `CallOriginator' has no declared type test1.y:1277.55-56: $2 of `CallOriginator' has no declared type test1.y:1278.34-35: $$ of `CallOriginator' has no declared type test1.y:1278.53-54: $3 of `CallOriginator' has no declared type test1.y:1281.45-46: $$ of `CallReference' has no declared type test1.y:1284.45-46: $$ of `CallReference' has no declared type test1.y:1284.50-51: $2 of `CallReference' has no declared type test1.y:1286.45-46: $$ of `CallTypeGroup' has no declared type test1.y:1294.33-34: $$ of `CallTypeGroup' has no declared type test1.y:1295.34-35: $$ of `CallTypeGroup' has no declared type test1.y:1295.55-56: $5 of `CallTypeGroup' has no declared type test1.y:1296.34-35: $$ of `CallTypeGroup' has no declared type test1.y:1296.55-56: $2 of `CallTypeGroup' has no declared type test1.y:1297.34-35: $$ of `CallTypeGroup' has no declared type test1.y:1297.55-56: $3 of `CallTypeGroup' has no declared type test1.y:1298.34-35: $$ of `CallTypeGroup' has no declared type test1.y:1298.55-56: $4 of `CallTypeGroup' has no declared type test1.y:1301.45-46: $$ of `CallTypeLevel1' has no declared type test1.y:1304.46-47: $$ of `CallTypeLevel1' has no declared type test1.y:1304.51-52: $2 of `CallTypeLevel1' has no declared type test1.y:1306.45-46: $$ of `CallTypeLevel2' has no declared type test1.y:1309.46-47: $$ of `CallTypeLevel2' has no declared type test1.y:1309.51-52: $2 of `CallTypeLevel2' has no declared type test1.y:1311.45-46: $$ of `CallTypeLevel3' has no declared type test1.y:1314.46-47: $$ of `CallTypeLevel3' has no declared type test1.y:1314.51-52: $2 of `CallTypeLevel3' has no declared type test1.y:1316.45-46: $$ of `CamelCallReference' has no declared type test1.y:1322.34-35: $$ of `CamelCallReference' has no declared type test1.y:1322.56-57: $2 of `CamelCallReference' has no declared type test1.y:1323.34-35: $$ of `CamelCallReference' has no declared type test1.y:1323.56-57: $3 of `CamelCallReference' has no declared type test1.y:1327.45-46: $$ of `CamelCallReferenceNumber' has no declared type test1.y:1330.56-57: $$ of `CamelCallReferenceNumber' has no declared type test1.y:1330.61-62: $2 of `CamelCallReferenceNumber' has no declared type test1.y:1333.45-46: $$ of `CamelInitiatedCFIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:1336.57-58: $$ of `CamelInitiatedCFIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:1336.62-63: $2 of `CamelInitiatedCFIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:1340.49-50: $$ of `CamelModification' has no declared type test1.y:1340.54-55: $2 of `CamelModification' has no declared type test1.y:1342.45-46: $$ of `CamelModificationList' has no declared type test1.y:1347.45-46: $$ of `CamelModification_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1350.45-46: $$ of `CamelServerAddress' has no declared type test1.y:1353.50-51: $$ of `CamelServerAddress' has no declared type test1.y:1353.55-56: $2 of `CamelServerAddress' has no declared type test1.y:1355.45-46: $$ of `CamelServiceKey' has no declared type test1.y:1358.47-48: $$ of `CamelServiceKey' has no declared type test1.y:1358.52-53: $2 of `CamelServiceKey' has no declared type test1.y:1360.45-46: $$ of `CamelServiceLevel' has no declared type test1.y:1363.49-50: $$ of `CamelServiceLevel' has no declared type test1.y:1363.54-55: $2 of `CamelServiceLevel' has no declared type test1.y:1365.45-46: $$ of `CamelServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1379.33-34: $$ of `CamelServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1380.34-35: $$ of `CamelServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1380.58-59: $4 of `CamelServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1381.34-35: $$ of `CamelServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1381.58-59: $3 of `CamelServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1382.34-35: $$ of `CamelServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1382.58-59: $2 of `CamelServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1383.34-35: $$ of `CamelServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1383.58-59: $6 of `CamelServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1384.34-35: $$ of `CamelServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1384.58-59: $6 of `CamelServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1385.34-35: $$ of `CamelServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1385.58-59: $8 of `CamelServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1386.34-35: $$ of `CamelServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1386.57-59: $11 of `CamelServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:1389.45-46: $$ of `CauseForTerm' has no declared type test1.y:1392.44-45: $$ of `CauseForTerm' has no declared type test1.y:1392.49-50: $2 of `CauseForTerm' has no declared type test1.y:1394.45-46: $$ of `CellId' has no declared type test1.y:1397.38-39: $$ of `CellId' has no declared type test1.y:1397.43-44: $2 of `CellId' has no declared type test1.y:1399.45-46: $$ of `ChannelCoding' has no declared type test1.y:1402.45-46: $$ of `ChannelCoding' has no declared type test1.y:1402.50-51: $2 of `ChannelCoding' has no declared type test1.y:1405.45-46: $$ of `ChannelCodingAcceptableList' has no declared type test1.y:1409.27-28: $$ of `ChannelCodingAcceptableList' has no declared type test1.y:1409.32-33: $2 of `ChannelCodingAcceptableList' has no declared type test1.y:1412.45-46: $$ of `ChannelCoding_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1415.31-32: $1 of `ChannelCoding_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1417.31-32: $$ of `ChannelCoding_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1417.36-37: $2 of `ChannelCoding_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1421.31-32: $$ of `ChannelCoding_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1421.36-37: $1 of `ChannelCoding_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1425.45-46: $$ of `Charge' has no declared type test1.y:1428.38-39: $$ of `Charge' has no declared type test1.y:1428.43-44: $2 of `Charge' has no declared type test1.y:1430.51-52: $$ of `ChargeableSubscriber' has no declared type test1.y:1430.56-57: $1 of `ChargeableSubscriber' has no declared type test1.y:1431.51-52: $$ of `ChargeableSubscriber' has no declared type test1.y:1431.56-57: $1 of `ChargeableSubscriber' has no declared type test1.y:1433.45-46: $$ of `ChargeableUnits' has no declared type test1.y:1436.47-48: $$ of `ChargeableUnits' has no declared type test1.y:1436.52-53: $2 of `ChargeableUnits' has no declared type test1.y:1451.33-34: $$ of `ChargeDetail' has no declared type test1.y:1452.34-35: $$ of `ChargeDetail' has no declared type test1.y:1452.55-56: $2 of `ChargeDetail' has no declared type test1.y:1453.34-35: $$ of `ChargeDetail' has no declared type test1.y:1453.55-56: $4 of `ChargeDetail' has no declared type test1.y:1454.34-35: $$ of `ChargeDetail' has no declared type test1.y:1454.55-56: $7 of `ChargeDetail' has no declared type test1.y:1455.34-35: $$ of `ChargeDetail' has no declared type test1.y:1455.55-56: $9 of `ChargeDetail' has no declared type test1.y:1456.34-35: $$ of `ChargeDetail' has no declared type test1.y:1456.55-56: $3 of `ChargeDetail' has no declared type test1.y:1459.45-46: $$ of `ChargeDetailList' has no declared type test1.y:1462.48-49: $$ of `ChargeDetailList' has no declared type test1.y:1462.53-54: $2 of `ChargeDetailList' has no declared type test1.y:1464.45-46: $$ of `ChargeDetail_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1467.31-32: $1 of `ChargeDetail_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1469.31-32: $$ of `ChargeDetail_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1469.36-37: $2 of `ChargeDetail_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1473.42-43: $1 of `ChargeDetail_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1475.35-36: $$ of `ChargeDetail_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1475.40-41: $1 of `ChargeDetail_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1477.47-48: $2 of `ChargeDetail_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1479.35-36: $$ of `ChargeDetail_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1479.40-41: $2 of `ChargeDetail_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1483.35-36: $$ of `ChargeDetail_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1483.40-41: $1 of `ChargeDetail_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1484.43-44: $$ of `ChargeDetail_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1485.49-50: $1 of `ChargeDetail_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1486.49-50: $2 of `ChargeDetail_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1491.45-46: $$ of `ChargedItem' has no declared type test1.y:1494.43-44: $$ of `ChargedItem' has no declared type test1.y:1494.48-49: $2 of `ChargedItem' has no declared type test1.y:1496.45-46: $$ of `ChargedPartyEquipment' has no declared type test1.y:1508.45-46: $$ of `ChargedPartyHomeIdList' has no declared type test1.y:1514.45-46: $$ of `ChargedPartyHomeIdentification_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1523.45-46: $$ of `ChargedPartyIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:1526.54-55: $$ of `ChargedPartyIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:1526.59-60: $2 of `ChargedPartyIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:1528.45-46: $$ of `ChargedPartyIdList' has no declared type test1.y:1534.45-46: $$ of `ChargedPartyIdentification_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1537.45-46: $$ of `ChargedPartyIdType' has no declared type test1.y:1540.50-51: $$ of `ChargedPartyIdType' has no declared type test1.y:1540.55-56: $2 of `ChargedPartyIdType' has no declared type test1.y:1543.45-46: $$ of `ChargedPartyInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1557.45-46: $$ of `ChargedPartyLocationList' has no declared type test1.y:1563.45-46: $$ of `ChargedPartyLocation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1566.45-46: $$ of `ChargedPartyStatus' has no declared type test1.y:1569.50-51: $$ of `ChargedPartyStatus' has no declared type test1.y:1569.55-56: $2 of `ChargedPartyStatus' has no declared type test1.y:1571.45-46: $$ of `ChargedUnits' has no declared type test1.y:1574.44-45: $$ of `ChargedUnits' has no declared type test1.y:1574.49-50: $2 of `ChargedUnits' has no declared type test1.y:1576.45-46: $$ of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1586.33-34: $$ of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1587.34-35: $$ of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1587.55-56: $2 of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1588.34-35: $$ of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1588.55-56: $5 of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1589.34-35: $$ of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1589.55-56: $4 of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1590.34-35: $$ of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1590.55-56: $4 of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1591.34-35: $$ of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1591.55-56: $5 of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1592.34-35: $$ of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1592.55-56: $5 of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1593.34-35: $$ of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1593.55-56: $3 of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1594.34-35: $$ of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1594.55-56: $4 of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1595.34-35: $$ of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1595.55-56: $4 of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1596.34-35: $$ of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1596.55-56: $2 of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1599.35-36: $$ of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1600.41-42: $5 of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1601.40-41: $6 of `ChargeInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1604.45-46: $$ of `ChargeInformationList' has no declared type test1.y:1607.53-54: $$ of `ChargeInformationList' has no declared type test1.y:1607.58-59: $2 of `ChargeInformationList' has no declared type test1.y:1609.45-46: $$ of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1612.31-32: $1 of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1614.31-32: $$ of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1614.36-37: $2 of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1618.42-43: $1 of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1620.35-36: $$ of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1620.40-41: $1 of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1622.47-48: $2 of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1624.35-36: $$ of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1624.40-41: $2 of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1626.47-48: $1 of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1628.35-36: $$ of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1628.40-41: $1 of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1630.47-48: $2 of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1632.35-36: $$ of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1632.40-41: $2 of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1636.35-36: $$ of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1636.40-41: $1 of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1640.39-40: $$ of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1641.45-46: $1 of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1642.45-46: $2 of `ChargeInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1646.45-46: $$ of `ChargeRefundIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:1649.53-54: $$ of `ChargeRefundIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:1649.58-59: $2 of `ChargeRefundIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:1651.45-46: $$ of `ChargeType' has no declared type test1.y:1654.42-43: $$ of `ChargeType' has no declared type test1.y:1654.47-48: $2 of `ChargeType' has no declared type test1.y:1657.45-46: $$ of `ChargingCharacteristics' has no declared type test1.y:1660.55-56: $$ of `ChargingCharacteristics' has no declared type test1.y:1660.60-61: $2 of `ChargingCharacteristics' has no declared type test1.y:1662.45-46: $$ of `ChargingId' has no declared type test1.y:1665.42-43: $$ of `ChargingId' has no declared type test1.y:1665.47-48: $2 of `ChargingId' has no declared type test1.y:1667.45-46: $$ of `ChargingPoint' has no declared type test1.y:1670.45-46: $$ of `ChargingPoint' has no declared type test1.y:1670.50-51: $2 of `ChargingPoint' has no declared type test1.y:1672.45-46: $$ of `ChargingTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:1675.49-50: $$ of `ChargingTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:1675.54-55: $2 of `ChargingTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:1677.45-46: $$ of `ClirIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:1680.45-46: $$ of `ClirIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:1680.50-51: $2 of `ClirIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:1682.45-46: $$ of `Commission' has no declared type test1.y:1685.42-43: $$ of `Commission' has no declared type test1.y:1685.47-48: $2 of `Commission' has no declared type test1.y:1687.45-46: $$ of `CompletionTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:1690.51-52: $$ of `CompletionTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:1690.56-57: $2 of `CompletionTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:1692.45-46: $$ of `ContentChargingPoint' has no declared type test1.y:1695.52-53: $$ of `ContentChargingPoint' has no declared type test1.y:1695.57-58: $2 of `ContentChargingPoint' has no declared type test1.y:1703.45-46: $$ of `ContentProviderIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:1706.57-58: $$ of `ContentProviderIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:1706.62-63: $2 of `ContentProviderIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:1708.45-46: $$ of `ContentProviderIdList' has no declared type test1.y:1713.45-46: $$ of `ContentProvider_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1716.45-46: $$ of `ContentProviderIdType' has no declared type test1.y:1719.53-54: $$ of `ContentProviderIdType' has no declared type test1.y:1719.58-59: $2 of `ContentProviderIdType' has no declared type test1.y:1721.45-46: $$ of `ContentProviderName' has no declared type test1.y:1724.51-52: $$ of `ContentProviderName' has no declared type test1.y:1724.56-57: $2 of `ContentProviderName' has no declared type test1.y:1744.45-46: $$ of `ContentServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:1750.45-46: $$ of `ContentServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1754.45-46: $$ of `ContentTransactionBasicInfo' has no declared type test1.y:1765.45-46: $$ of `ContentTransactionCode' has no declared type test1.y:1768.54-55: $$ of `ContentTransactionCode' has no declared type test1.y:1768.59-60: $2 of `ContentTransactionCode' has no declared type test1.y:1770.45-46: $$ of `ContentTransactionType' has no declared type test1.y:1773.54-55: $$ of `ContentTransactionType' has no declared type test1.y:1773.59-60: $2 of `ContentTransactionType' has no declared type test1.y:1777.43-44: $$ of `CountryCode' has no declared type test1.y:1777.48-49: $2 of `CountryCode' has no declared type test1.y:1779.45-46: $$ of `CountryCodeList' has no declared type test1.y:1784.45-46: $$ of `CountryCode_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1789.61-62: $2 of `CountryCode_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1794.61-62: $2 of `CountryCode_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1799.61-62: $2 of `CountryCode_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1804.45-46: $$ of `CseInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1807.46-47: $$ of `CseInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1807.51-52: $2 of `CseInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1815.45-46: $$ of `CurrencyConversionList' has no declared type test1.y:1821.45-46: $$ of `CurrencyConversion_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1824.45-46: $$ of `CustomerIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:1827.50-51: $$ of `CustomerIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:1827.55-56: $2 of `CustomerIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:1829.45-46: $$ of `CustomerIdType' has no declared type test1.y:1832.46-47: $$ of `CustomerIdType' has no declared type test1.y:1832.51-52: $2 of `CustomerIdType' has no declared type test1.y:1834.45-46: $$ of `DataVolumeIncoming' has no declared type test1.y:1837.50-51: $$ of `DataVolumeIncoming' has no declared type test1.y:1837.55-56: $2 of `DataVolumeIncoming' has no declared type test1.y:1839.45-46: $$ of `DataVolumeOutgoing' has no declared type test1.y:1842.50-51: $$ of `DataVolumeOutgoing' has no declared type test1.y:1842.55-56: $2 of `DataVolumeOutgoing' has no declared type test1.y:1844.45-46: $$ of `DataVolumeReference' has no declared type test1.y:1847.51-52: $$ of `DataVolumeReference' has no declared type test1.y:1847.56-57: $2 of `DataVolumeReference' has no declared type test1.y:1852.33-34: $$ of `DateTime' has no declared type test1.y:1853.34-35: $$ of `DateTime' has no declared type test1.y:1853.57-58: $1 of `DateTime' has no declared type test1.y:1854.34-35: $$ of `DateTime' has no declared type test1.y:1854.57-58: $2 of `DateTime' has no declared type test1.y:1860.33-34: $$ of `DateTimeLong' has no declared type test1.y:1861.34-35: $$ of `DateTimeLong' has no declared type test1.y:1861.57-58: $1 of `DateTimeLong' has no declared type test1.y:1862.34-35: $$ of `DateTimeLong' has no declared type test1.y:1862.57-58: $2 of `DateTimeLong' has no declared type test1.y:1865.45-46: $$ of `DayCategory' has no declared type test1.y:1868.43-44: $$ of `DayCategory' has no declared type test1.y:1868.48-49: $2 of `DayCategory' has no declared type test1.y:1870.45-46: $$ of `DayCategorySubtype' has no declared type test1.y:1873.50-51: $$ of `DayCategorySubtype' has no declared type test1.y:1873.55-56: $2 of `DayCategorySubtype' has no declared type test1.y:1876.45-46: $$ of `DefaultCallHandlingIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:1879.60-61: $$ of `DefaultCallHandlingIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:1879.65-66: $2 of `DefaultCallHandlingIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:1881.45-46: $$ of `DepositTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:1884.48-49: $$ of `DepositTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:1884.53-54: $2 of `DepositTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:1886.45-46: $$ of `Destination' has no declared type test1.y:1895.31-32: $2 of `Destination' has no declared type test1.y:1897.31-32: $$ of `Destination' has no declared type test1.y:1897.36-37: $2 of `Destination' has no declared type test1.y:1901.37-38: $$ of `Destination' has no declared type test1.y:1905.45-46: $$ of `DestinationNetwork' has no declared type test1.y:1908.50-51: $$ of `DestinationNetwork' has no declared type test1.y:1908.55-56: $2 of `DestinationNetwork' has no declared type test1.y:1910.45-46: $$ of `DialledDigits' has no declared type test1.y:1913.45-46: $$ of `DialledDigits' has no declared type test1.y:1913.50-51: $2 of `DialledDigits' has no declared type test1.y:1915.45-46: $$ of `DiscountApplied' has no declared type test1.y:1919.45-46: $$ of `DiscountCode' has no declared type test1.y:1922.44-45: $$ of `DiscountCode' has no declared type test1.y:1922.49-50: $2 of `DiscountCode' has no declared type test1.y:1924.45-46: $$ of `DiscountInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1935.45-46: $$ of `DiscountingList' has no declared type test1.y:1940.45-46: $$ of `Discounting_iter' has no declared type test1.y:1945.44-45: $$ of `DiscountRate' has no declared type test1.y:1945.49-50: $2 of `DiscountRate' has no declared type test1.y:1947.45-46: $$ of `DiscountValue' has no declared type test1.y:1950.45-46: $$ of `DiscountValue' has no declared type test1.y:1950.50-51: $2 of `DiscountValue' has no declared type test1.y:1952.45-46: $$ of `DistanceChargeBandCode' has no declared type test1.y:1955.54-55: $$ of `DistanceChargeBandCode' has no declared type test1.y:1955.59-60: $2 of `DistanceChargeBandCode' has no declared type test1.y:1959.53-54: $$ of `DualBearerServiceCode' has no declared type test1.y:1959.58-59: $2 of `DualBearerServiceCode' has no declared type test1.y:1961.45-46: $$ of `DualServiceCode' has no declared type test1.y:1967.51-52: $$ of `DualTeleServiceCode' has no declared type test1.y:1967.56-57: $2 of `DualTeleServiceCode' has no declared type test1.y:1969.45-46: $$ of `EarliestCallTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:1972.53-54: $$ of `EarliestCallTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:1972.58-59: $2 of `EarliestCallTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:1974.45-46: $$ of `EquipmentId' has no declared type test1.y:1977.43-44: $$ of `EquipmentId' has no declared type test1.y:1977.48-49: $2 of `EquipmentId' has no declared type test1.y:1979.45-46: $$ of `EquipmentIdType' has no declared type test1.y:1982.47-48: $$ of `EquipmentIdType' has no declared type test1.y:1982.52-53: $2 of `EquipmentIdType' has no declared type test1.y:1984.45-46: $$ of `EquipmentInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1990.54-55: $3 of `EquipmentInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1992.56-57: $2 of `EquipmentInformation' has no declared type test1.y:1996.45-46: $$ of `Esn' has no declared type test1.y:1999.35-36: $$ of `Esn' has no declared type test1.y:1999.40-41: $2 of `Esn' has no declared type test1.y:2001.45-46: $$ of `ExchangeRate' has no declared type test1.y:2004.44-45: $$ of `ExchangeRate' has no declared type test1.y:2004.49-50: $2 of `ExchangeRate' has no declared type test1.y:2006.45-46: $$ of `ExchangeRateCode' has no declared type test1.y:2009.48-49: $$ of `ExchangeRateCode' has no declared type test1.y:2009.53-54: $2 of `ExchangeRateCode' has no declared type test1.y:2011.45-46: $$ of `FileAvailableTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:2014.54-55: $$ of `FileAvailableTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:2014.59-60: $2 of `FileAvailableTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:2016.45-46: $$ of `FileCreationTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:2019.53-54: $$ of `FileCreationTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:2019.58-59: $2 of `FileCreationTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:2021.45-46: $$ of `FileSequenceNumber' has no declared type test1.y:2024.50-51: $$ of `FileSequenceNumber' has no declared type test1.y:2024.55-56: $2 of `FileSequenceNumber' has no declared type test1.y:2026.45-46: $$ of `FileTypeIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:2029.49-50: $$ of `FileTypeIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:2029.54-55: $2 of `FileTypeIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:2031.45-46: $$ of `Fnur' has no declared type test1.y:2034.36-37: $$ of `Fnur' has no declared type test1.y:2034.41-42: $2 of `Fnur' has no declared type test1.y:2036.45-46: $$ of `FraudMonitorIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:2039.53-54: $$ of `FraudMonitorIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:2039.58-59: $2 of `FraudMonitorIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:2041.45-46: $$ of `GeographicalLocation' has no declared type test1.y:2049.27-28: $$ of `GeographicalLocation' has no declared type test1.y:2049.32-33: $2 of `GeographicalLocation' has no declared type test1.y:2053.43-44: $$ of `GmlcAddress' has no declared type test1.y:2053.48-49: $2 of `GmlcAddress' has no declared type test1.y:2056.45-46: $$ of `GprsBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2072.57-58: $7 of `GprsBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2079.40-41: $8 of `GprsBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2084.40-42: $13 of `GprsBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2087.56-57: $4 of `GprsBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2089.57-58: $5 of `GprsBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2091.56-58: $10 of `GprsBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2095.40-41: $7 of `GprsBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2098.37-38: $9 of `GprsBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2103.45-46: $$ of `GprsChargeableSubscriber' has no declared type test1.y:2111.33-34: $$ of `GprsChargeableSubscriber' has no declared type test1.y:2112.56-57: $2 of `GprsChargeableSubscriber' has no declared type test1.y:2114.54-55: $2 of `GprsChargeableSubscriber' has no declared type test1.y:2117.37-38: $4 of `GprsChargeableSubscriber' has no declared type test1.y:2120.29-30: $3 of `GprsChargeableSubscriber' has no declared type test1.y:2123.45-46: $$ of `GprsDestination' has no declared type test1.y:2131.37-38: $2 of `GprsDestination' has no declared type test1.y:2134.37-38: $3 of `GprsDestination' has no declared type test1.y:2137.37-38: $4 of `GprsDestination' has no declared type test1.y:2142.45-46: $$ of `GprsLocationInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2149.54-55: $4 of `GprsLocationInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2153.45-46: $$ of `GprsNetworkLocation' has no declared type test1.y:2160.57-58: $3 of `GprsNetworkLocation' has no declared type test1.y:2162.56-57: $4 of `GprsNetworkLocation' has no declared type test1.y:2176.40-41: $5 of `GprsServiceUsage' has no declared type test1.y:2179.40-41: $6 of `GprsServiceUsage' has no declared type test1.y:2183.45-46: $$ of `GprsServiceUsageList' has no declared type test1.y:2188.45-46: $$ of `GprsServiceUsage_iter' has no declared type test1.y:2191.45-46: $$ of `GprsServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:2198.56-57: $4 of `GprsServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:2201.37-38: $4 of `GprsServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:2204.37-38: $4 of `GprsServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:2210.55-56: $4 of `GprsServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:2217.49-50: $4 of `GprsServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:2232.33-34: $$ of `GSMQoSInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2233.34-35: $$ of `GSMQoSInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2233.56-57: $1 of `GSMQoSInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2234.34-35: $$ of `GSMQoSInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2234.56-57: $2 of `GSMQoSInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2235.34-35: $$ of `GSMQoSInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2235.56-57: $3 of `GSMQoSInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2236.34-35: $$ of `GSMQoSInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2236.56-57: $4 of `GSMQoSInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2237.34-35: $$ of `GSMQoSInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2237.56-57: $5 of `GSMQoSInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2240.45-46: $$ of `GSMQoSRequested' has no declared type test1.y:2246.37-38: $2 of `GSMQoSRequested' has no declared type test1.y:2249.37-38: $2 of `GSMQoSRequested' has no declared type test1.y:2252.37-38: $2 of `GSMQoSRequested' has no declared type test1.y:2257.40-41: $2 of `GSMQoSRequested' has no declared type test1.y:2263.40-41: $2 of `GSMQoSRequested' has no declared type test1.y:2268.45-46: $$ of `GSMQoSUsed' has no declared type test1.y:2274.37-38: $2 of `GSMQoSUsed' has no declared type test1.y:2277.37-38: $2 of `GSMQoSUsed' has no declared type test1.y:2280.37-38: $2 of `GSMQoSUsed' has no declared type test1.y:2285.40-41: $2 of `GSMQoSUsed' has no declared type test1.y:2291.40-41: $2 of `GSMQoSUsed' has no declared type test1.y:2298.42-43: $$ of `GsnAddress' has no declared type test1.y:2298.47-48: $2 of `GsnAddress' has no declared type test1.y:2301.45-46: $$ of `HomeBid' has no declared type test1.y:2304.39-40: $$ of `HomeBid' has no declared type test1.y:2304.44-45: $2 of `HomeBid' has no declared type test1.y:2306.45-46: $$ of `HomeIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:2309.46-47: $$ of `HomeIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:2309.51-52: $2 of `HomeIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:2311.45-46: $$ of `HomeIdType' has no declared type test1.y:2314.42-43: $$ of `HomeIdType' has no declared type test1.y:2314.47-48: $2 of `HomeIdType' has no declared type test1.y:2317.45-46: $$ of `HomeLocationInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2324.45-46: $$ of `HorizontalAccuracyDelivered' has no declared type test1.y:2327.59-60: $$ of `HorizontalAccuracyDelivered' has no declared type test1.y:2327.64-65: $2 of `HorizontalAccuracyDelivered' has no declared type test1.y:2330.45-46: $$ of `HorizontalAccuracyRequested' has no declared type test1.y:2333.59-60: $$ of `HorizontalAccuracyRequested' has no declared type test1.y:2333.64-65: $2 of `HorizontalAccuracyRequested' has no declared type test1.y:2335.45-46: $$ of `HSCSDInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2341.33-34: $$ of `HSCSDInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2342.34-35: $$ of `HSCSDInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2342.56-57: $2 of `HSCSDInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2343.34-35: $$ of `HSCSDInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2343.56-57: $2 of `HSCSDInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2344.34-35: $$ of `HSCSDInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2344.56-57: $2 of `HSCSDInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2345.34-35: $$ of `HSCSDInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2345.56-57: $2 of `HSCSDInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2359.45-46: $$ of `HSCSDParameterModificationList' has no declared type test1.y:2365.45-46: $$ of `HSCSDParameterModification_iter' has no declared type test1.y:2370.35-36: $$ of `Iac' has no declared type test1.y:2370.40-41: $2 of `Iac' has no declared type test1.y:2372.45-46: $$ of `IacList' has no declared type test1.y:2377.45-46: $$ of `Iac_iter' has no declared type test1.y:2382.58-59: $2 of `Iac_iter' has no declared type test1.y:2387.58-59: $2 of `Iac_iter' has no declared type test1.y:2392.58-59: $2 of `Iac_iter' has no declared type test1.y:2397.58-59: $2 of `Iac_iter' has no declared type test1.y:2402.58-59: $2 of `Iac_iter' has no declared type test1.y:2409.36-37: $$ of `Imei' has no declared type test1.y:2409.41-42: $2 of `Imei' has no declared type test1.y:2411.42-43: $$ of `Imei' has no declared type test1.y:2413.32-33: $$ of `ImeiOrEsn' has no declared type test1.y:2413.37-38: $1 of `ImeiOrEsn' has no declared type test1.y:2416.45-46: $$ of `Imsi' has no declared type test1.y:2419.36-37: $$ of `Imsi' has no declared type test1.y:2419.41-42: $2 of `Imsi' has no declared type test1.y:2421.45-46: $$ of `InitiatingParty' has no declared type test1.y:2424.47-48: $$ of `InitiatingParty' has no declared type test1.y:2424.52-53: $2 of `InitiatingParty' has no declared type test1.y:2433.45-46: $$ of `InternetServiceProviderIdList' has no declared type test1.y:2439.45-46: $$ of `InternetServiceProvider_iter' has no declared type test1.y:2442.45-46: $$ of `IpAddress' has no declared type test1.y:2448.47-48: $$ of `IPTextV4Address' has no declared type test1.y:2448.52-53: $2 of `IPTextV4Address' has no declared type test1.y:2452.47-48: $$ of `IPTextV6Address' has no declared type test1.y:2452.52-53: $2 of `IPTextV6Address' has no declared type test1.y:2454.45-46: $$ of `IspIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:2457.45-46: $$ of `IspIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:2457.50-51: $2 of `IspIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:2459.45-46: $$ of `IspIdType' has no declared type test1.y:2462.41-42: $$ of `IspIdType' has no declared type test1.y:2462.46-47: $2 of `IspIdType' has no declared type test1.y:2464.45-46: $$ of `ISPList' has no declared type test1.y:2469.45-46: $$ of `NetworkIdType' has no declared type test1.y:2472.45-46: $$ of `NetworkIdType' has no declared type test1.y:2472.50-51: $2 of `NetworkIdType' has no declared type test1.y:2474.45-46: $$ of `NetworkIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:2477.49-50: $$ of `NetworkIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:2477.54-55: $2 of `NetworkIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:2484.45-46: $$ of `NetworkList' has no declared type test1.y:2489.45-46: $$ of `Network_iter' has no declared type test1.y:2492.45-46: $$ of `LatestCallTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:2495.51-52: $$ of `LatestCallTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:2495.56-57: $2 of `LatestCallTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:2497.45-46: $$ of `Latitude' has no declared type test1.y:2500.40-41: $$ of `Latitude' has no declared type test1.y:2500.45-46: $2 of `Latitude' has no declared type test1.y:2502.45-46: $$ of `LCSQosDelivered' has no declared type test1.y:2514.45-46: $$ of `LCSQosRequested' has no declared type test1.y:2524.45-46: $$ of `LCSRequestTimestamp' has no declared type test1.y:2527.51-52: $$ of `LCSRequestTimestamp' has no declared type test1.y:2527.56-57: $2 of `LCSRequestTimestamp' has no declared type test1.y:2535.45-46: $$ of `LCSSPIdentificationList' has no declared type test1.y:2541.45-46: $$ of `LCSSPIdentification_iter' has no declared type test1.y:2544.45-46: $$ of `LCSSPInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2551.45-46: $$ of `LCSTransactionStatus' has no declared type test1.y:2554.52-53: $$ of `LCSTransactionStatus' has no declared type test1.y:2554.57-58: $2 of `LCSTransactionStatus' has no declared type test1.y:2556.45-46: $$ of `LocalCurrency' has no declared type test1.y:2559.45-46: $$ of `LocalCurrency' has no declared type test1.y:2559.50-51: $2 of `LocalCurrency' has no declared type test1.y:2561.45-46: $$ of `LocalTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:2564.46-47: $$ of `LocalTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:2564.51-52: $2 of `LocalTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:2566.45-46: $$ of `LocationArea' has no declared type test1.y:2569.44-45: $$ of `LocationArea' has no declared type test1.y:2569.49-50: $2 of `LocationArea' has no declared type test1.y:2571.45-46: $$ of `LocationDescription' has no declared type test1.y:2574.51-52: $$ of `LocationDescription' has no declared type test1.y:2574.56-57: $2 of `LocationDescription' has no declared type test1.y:2576.45-46: $$ of `LocationIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:2579.50-51: $$ of `LocationIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:2579.55-56: $2 of `LocationIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:2581.45-46: $$ of `LocationIdType' has no declared type test1.y:2584.46-47: $$ of `LocationIdType' has no declared type test1.y:2584.51-52: $2 of `LocationIdType' has no declared type test1.y:2586.45-46: $$ of `LocationInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2593.33-34: $$ of `LocationInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2594.54-55: $4 of `LocationInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2598.45-46: $$ of `LocationServiceUsage' has no declared type test1.y:2606.45-46: $$ of `Longitude' has no declared type test1.y:2609.41-42: $$ of `Longitude' has no declared type test1.y:2609.46-47: $2 of `Longitude' has no declared type test1.y:2611.45-46: $$ of `Mdn' has no declared type test1.y:2614.35-36: $$ of `Mdn' has no declared type test1.y:2614.40-41: $2 of `Mdn' has no declared type test1.y:2616.45-46: $$ of `MessageDescription' has no declared type test1.y:2619.50-51: $$ of `MessageDescription' has no declared type test1.y:2619.55-56: $2 of `MessageDescription' has no declared type test1.y:2621.45-46: $$ of `MessageDescriptionCode' has no declared type test1.y:2624.54-55: $$ of `MessageDescriptionCode' has no declared type test1.y:2624.59-60: $2 of `MessageDescriptionCode' has no declared type test1.y:2632.45-46: $$ of `MessageStatus' has no declared type test1.y:2635.45-46: $$ of `MessageStatus' has no declared type test1.y:2635.50-51: $2 of `MessageStatus' has no declared type test1.y:2637.45-46: $$ of `MessageType' has no declared type test1.y:2640.43-44: $$ of `MessageType' has no declared type test1.y:2640.48-49: $2 of `MessageType' has no declared type test1.y:2642.45-46: $$ of `Min' has no declared type test1.y:2645.35-36: $$ of `Min' has no declared type test1.y:2645.40-41: $2 of `Min' has no declared type test1.y:2653.45-46: $$ of `MoBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2667.56-57: $3 of `MoBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2669.57-58: $8 of `MoBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2675.56-57: $6 of `MoBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2678.54-55: $3 of `MoBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2680.56-57: $4 of `MoBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2682.57-58: $5 of `MoBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2686.40-41: $8 of `MoBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2689.38-40: $11 of `MoBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2700.37-38: $7 of `MoBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2704.45-46: $$ of `MobileStationClassMark' has no declared type test1.y:2707.54-55: $$ of `MobileStationClassMark' has no declared type test1.y:2707.59-60: $2 of `MobileStationClassMark' has no declared type test1.y:2709.45-46: $$ of `ModificationTimestamp' has no declared type test1.y:2712.53-54: $$ of `ModificationTimestamp' has no declared type test1.y:2712.58-59: $2 of `ModificationTimestamp' has no declared type test1.y:2716.37-38: $$ of `MscId' has no declared type test1.y:2716.42-43: $2 of `MscId' has no declared type test1.y:2718.45-46: $$ of `Msisdn' has no declared type test1.y:2721.38-39: $$ of `Msisdn' has no declared type test1.y:2721.43-44: $2 of `Msisdn' has no declared type test1.y:2723.44-45: $$ of `Msisdn' has no declared type test1.y:2725.45-46: $$ of `MtBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2742.56-57: $6 of `MtBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2745.57-58: $8 of `MtBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2750.56-57: $3 of `MtBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2753.54-55: $3 of `MtBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2755.56-57: $4 of `MtBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2757.57-58: $5 of `MtBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2761.40-41: $8 of `MtBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2764.38-40: $11 of `MtBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2775.37-38: $7 of `MtBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2778.34-35: $$ of `MtBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2778.53-54: $6 of `MtBasicCallInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2781.45-46: $$ of `MultiRateIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:2784.50-51: $$ of `MultiRateIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:2784.55-56: $2 of `MultiRateIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:2786.45-46: $$ of `NetworkInitPDPContext' has no declared type test1.y:2789.53-54: $$ of `NetworkInitPDPContext' has no declared type test1.y:2789.58-59: $2 of `NetworkInitPDPContext' has no declared type test1.y:2791.45-46: $$ of `NetworkLocation' has no declared type test1.y:2801.40-41: $3 of `NetworkLocation' has no declared type test1.y:2805.57-58: $4 of `NetworkLocation' has no declared type test1.y:2809.56-57: $5 of `NetworkLocation' has no declared type test1.y:2817.48-49: $2 of `NetworkLocation' has no declared type test1.y:2822.41-42: $2 of `NetworkLocation' has no declared type test1.y:2824.41-42: $2 of `NetworkLocation' has no declared type test1.y:2837.45-46: $$ of `NetworkType' has no declared type test1.y:2840.43-44: $$ of `NetworkType' has no declared type test1.y:2840.48-49: $2 of `NetworkType' has no declared type test1.y:2842.45-46: $$ of `NonChargedParty' has no declared type test1.y:2848.45-46: $$ of `NumberOfChannels' has no declared type test1.y:2851.48-49: $$ of `NumberOfChannels' has no declared type test1.y:2851.53-54: $2 of `NumberOfChannels' has no declared type test1.y:2853.45-46: $$ of `NumberOfChannelsUsed' has no declared type test1.y:2856.52-53: $$ of `NumberOfChannelsUsed' has no declared type test1.y:2856.57-58: $2 of `NumberOfChannelsUsed' has no declared type test1.y:2858.45-46: $$ of `NumberOfDecimalPlaces' has no declared type test1.y:2861.53-54: $$ of `NumberOfDecimalPlaces' has no declared type test1.y:2861.58-59: $2 of `NumberOfDecimalPlaces' has no declared type test1.y:2863.45-46: $$ of `ObjectType' has no declared type test1.y:2866.42-43: $$ of `ObjectType' has no declared type test1.y:2866.47-48: $2 of `ObjectType' has no declared type test1.y:2868.45-46: $$ of `OperatorSpecInfoList' has no declared type test1.y:2874.45-46: $$ of `OperatorSpecInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:2880.55-56: $$ of `OperatorSpecInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2880.60-61: $2 of `OperatorSpecInformation' has no declared type test1.y:2884.45-46: $$ of `OrderPlacedTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:2887.52-53: $$ of `OrderPlacedTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:2887.57-58: $2 of `OrderPlacedTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:2889.45-46: $$ of `OriginatingNetwork' has no declared type test1.y:2892.50-51: $$ of `OriginatingNetwork' has no declared type test1.y:2892.55-56: $2 of `OriginatingNetwork' has no declared type test1.y:2895.45-46: $$ of `PacketDataProtocolAddress' has no declared type test1.y:2898.57-58: $$ of `PacketDataProtocolAddress' has no declared type test1.y:2898.62-63: $2 of `PacketDataProtocolAddress' has no declared type test1.y:2899.39-40: $$ of `PacketDataProtocolAddress' has no declared type test1.y:2899.44-45: $1 of `PacketDataProtocolAddress' has no declared type test1.y:2901.45-46: $$ of `PaidIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:2904.45-46: $$ of `PaidIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:2904.50-51: $2 of `PaidIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:2906.45-46: $$ of `PartialTypeIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:2909.52-53: $$ of `PartialTypeIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:2909.57-58: $2 of `PartialTypeIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:2911.45-46: $$ of `PaymentMethod' has no declared type test1.y:2914.45-46: $$ of `PaymentMethod' has no declared type test1.y:2914.50-51: $2 of `PaymentMethod' has no declared type test1.y:2916.45-46: $$ of `PdpAddress' has no declared type test1.y:2919.42-43: $$ of `PdpAddress' has no declared type test1.y:2919.47-48: $2 of `PdpAddress' has no declared type test1.y:2922.45-46: $$ of `PDPContextStartTimestamp' has no declared type test1.y:2925.56-57: $$ of `PDPContextStartTimestamp' has no declared type test1.y:2925.61-62: $2 of `PDPContextStartTimestamp' has no declared type test1.y:2927.45-46: $$ of `PdpType' has no declared type test1.y:2930.39-40: $$ of `PdpType' has no declared type test1.y:2930.44-45: $2 of `PdpType' has no declared type test1.y:2932.45-46: $$ of `PositioningMethod' has no declared type test1.y:2935.49-50: $$ of `PositioningMethod' has no declared type test1.y:2935.54-55: $2 of `PositioningMethod' has no declared type test1.y:2937.45-46: $$ of `PriorityCode' has no declared type test1.y:2940.44-45: $$ of `PriorityCode' has no declared type test1.y:2940.49-50: $2 of `PriorityCode' has no declared type test1.y:2942.45-46: $$ of `QoSAllocRetenPriority' has no declared type test1.y:2945.53-54: $$ of `QoSAllocRetenPriority' has no declared type test1.y:2945.58-59: $2 of `QoSAllocRetenPriority' has no declared type test1.y:2947.45-46: $$ of `QoSDelay' has no declared type test1.y:2950.40-41: $$ of `QoSDelay' has no declared type test1.y:2950.45-46: $2 of `QoSDelay' has no declared type test1.y:2953.45-46: $$ of `QoSGuaranteedBitRateDownlink' has no declared type test1.y:2956.60-61: $$ of `QoSGuaranteedBitRateDownlink' has no declared type test1.y:2956.65-66: $2 of `QoSGuaranteedBitRateDownlink' has no declared type test1.y:2959.45-46: $$ of `QoSGuaranteedBitRateUplink' has no declared type test1.y:2962.58-59: $$ of `QoSGuaranteedBitRateUplink' has no declared type test1.y:2962.63-64: $2 of `QoSGuaranteedBitRateUplink' has no declared type test1.y:2964.45-46: $$ of `QoSMaxBitRateDownlink' has no declared type test1.y:2967.53-54: $$ of `QoSMaxBitRateDownlink' has no declared type test1.y:2967.58-59: $2 of `QoSMaxBitRateDownlink' has no declared type test1.y:2969.45-46: $$ of `QoSMaxBitRateUplink' has no declared type test1.y:2972.51-52: $$ of `QoSMaxBitRateUplink' has no declared type test1.y:2972.56-57: $2 of `QoSMaxBitRateUplink' has no declared type test1.y:2974.45-46: $$ of `QoSMeanThroughput' has no declared type test1.y:2977.49-50: $$ of `QoSMeanThroughput' has no declared type test1.y:2977.54-55: $2 of `QoSMeanThroughput' has no declared type test1.y:2979.45-46: $$ of `QoSPeakThroughput' has no declared type test1.y:2982.49-50: $$ of `QoSPeakThroughput' has no declared type test1.y:2982.54-55: $2 of `QoSPeakThroughput' has no declared type test1.y:2984.45-46: $$ of `QoSPrecedence' has no declared type test1.y:2987.45-46: $$ of `QoSPrecedence' has no declared type test1.y:2987.50-51: $2 of `QoSPrecedence' has no declared type test1.y:2989.45-46: $$ of `QoSReliability' has no declared type test1.y:2992.46-47: $$ of `QoSReliability' has no declared type test1.y:2992.51-52: $2 of `QoSReliability' has no declared type test1.y:2997.45-46: $$ of `QoSTrafficClass' has no declared type test1.y:3000.47-48: $$ of `QoSTrafficClass' has no declared type test1.y:3000.52-53: $2 of `QoSTrafficClass' has no declared type test1.y:3005.45-46: $$ of `RadioChannelRequested' has no declared type test1.y:3008.53-54: $$ of `RadioChannelRequested' has no declared type test1.y:3008.58-59: $2 of `RadioChannelRequested' has no declared type test1.y:3010.45-46: $$ of `RadioChannelUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3013.48-49: $$ of `RadioChannelUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3013.53-54: $2 of `RadioChannelUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3015.45-46: $$ of `RapFileSequenceNumber' has no declared type test1.y:3018.54-55: $$ of `RapFileSequenceNumber' has no declared type test1.y:3018.59-60: $2 of `RapFileSequenceNumber' has no declared type test1.y:3020.60-61: $$ of `RapFileSequenceNumber' has no declared type test1.y:3024.45-46: $$ of `RecEntityCode' has no declared type test1.y:3024.50-51: $2 of `RecEntityCode' has no declared type test1.y:3026.45-46: $$ of `RecEntityCodeList' has no declared type test1.y:3031.45-46: $$ of `RecEntityCode_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3037.46-47: $2 of `RecEntityCode_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3044.39-40: $2 of `RecEntityCode_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3046.39-40: $2 of `RecEntityCode_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3075.45-46: $$ of `RecEntityInfoList' has no declared type test1.y:3081.45-46: $$ of `RecEntityInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3093.46-47: $2 of `RecEntityInformation' has no declared type test1.y:3104.35-36: $4 of `RecEntityInformation' has no declared type test1.y:3107.59-60: $3 of `RecEntityInformation' has no declared type test1.y:3111.45-46: $$ of `RecEntityType' has no declared type test1.y:3114.45-46: $$ of `RecEntityType' has no declared type test1.y:3114.50-51: $2 of `RecEntityType' has no declared type test1.y:3116.45-46: $$ of `Recipient' has no declared type test1.y:3119.41-42: $$ of `Recipient' has no declared type test1.y:3119.46-47: $2 of `Recipient' has no declared type test1.y:3121.45-46: $$ of `ReleaseVersionNumber' has no declared type test1.y:3124.52-53: $$ of `ReleaseVersionNumber' has no declared type test1.y:3124.57-58: $2 of `ReleaseVersionNumber' has no declared type test1.y:3126.45-46: $$ of `RemotePdpAddressList' has no declared type test1.y:3129.52-53: $$ of `RemotePdpAddressList' has no declared type test1.y:3129.57-58: $2 of `RemotePdpAddressList' has no declared type test1.y:3132.45-46: $$ of `PacketDataProtocolAddress_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3136.31-32: $1 of `PacketDataProtocolAddress_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3138.31-32: $$ of `PacketDataProtocolAddress_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3138.36-37: $2 of `PacketDataProtocolAddress_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3142.31-32: $$ of `PacketDataProtocolAddress_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3142.36-37: $1 of `PacketDataProtocolAddress_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3147.45-46: $$ of `RequestedDeliveryTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:3150.58-59: $$ of `RequestedDeliveryTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:3150.63-64: $2 of `RequestedDeliveryTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:3152.45-46: $$ of `ResponseTime' has no declared type test1.y:3155.44-45: $$ of `ResponseTime' has no declared type test1.y:3155.49-50: $2 of `ResponseTime' has no declared type test1.y:3157.45-46: $$ of `ResponseTimeCategory' has no declared type test1.y:3160.52-53: $$ of `ResponseTimeCategory' has no declared type test1.y:3160.57-58: $2 of `ResponseTimeCategory' has no declared type test1.y:3162.45-46: $$ of `ScuBasicInformation' has no declared type test1.y:3172.45-46: $$ of `ScuChargeType' has no declared type test1.y:3181.45-46: $$ of `ScuTimeStamps' has no declared type test1.y:3192.45-46: $$ of `Sender' has no declared type test1.y:3195.38-39: $$ of `Sender' has no declared type test1.y:3195.43-44: $2 of `Sender' has no declared type test1.y:3197.45-46: $$ of `ServingBid' has no declared type test1.y:3200.42-43: $$ of `ServingBid' has no declared type test1.y:3200.47-48: $2 of `ServingBid' has no declared type test1.y:3202.45-46: $$ of `ServingNetwork' has no declared type test1.y:3205.46-47: $$ of `ServingNetwork' has no declared type test1.y:3205.51-52: $2 of `ServingNetwork' has no declared type test1.y:3208.45-46: $$ of `ServingPartiesInformation' has no declared type test1.y:3217.45-46: $$ of `SimChargeableSubscriber' has no declared type test1.y:3223.33-34: $$ of `SimChargeableSubscriber' has no declared type test1.y:3224.34-35: $$ of `SimChargeableSubscriber' has no declared type test1.y:3224.55-56: $2 of `SimChargeableSubscriber' has no declared type test1.y:3225.34-35: $$ of `SimChargeableSubscriber' has no declared type test1.y:3225.55-56: $3 of `SimChargeableSubscriber' has no declared type test1.y:3228.45-46: $$ of `SimToolkitIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:3231.51-52: $$ of `SimToolkitIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:3231.56-57: $2 of `SimToolkitIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:3234.45-46: $$ of `SpecificationVersionNumber' has no declared type test1.y:3237.58-59: $$ of `SpecificationVersionNumber' has no declared type test1.y:3237.63-64: $2 of `SpecificationVersionNumber' has no declared type test1.y:3239.45-46: $$ of `SpeechVersionRequested' has no declared type test1.y:3242.54-55: $$ of `SpeechVersionRequested' has no declared type test1.y:3242.59-60: $2 of `SpeechVersionRequested' has no declared type test1.y:3244.45-46: $$ of `SpeechVersionUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3247.49-50: $$ of `SpeechVersionUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3247.54-55: $2 of `SpeechVersionUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3249.45-46: $$ of `SsParameters' has no declared type test1.y:3252.44-45: $$ of `SsParameters' has no declared type test1.y:3252.49-50: $2 of `SsParameters' has no declared type test1.y:3254.45-46: $$ of `SupplServiceActionCode' has no declared type test1.y:3257.54-55: $$ of `SupplServiceActionCode' has no declared type test1.y:3257.59-60: $2 of `SupplServiceActionCode' has no declared type test1.y:3259.45-46: $$ of `SupplServiceCode' has no declared type test1.y:3262.48-49: $$ of `SupplServiceCode' has no declared type test1.y:3262.53-54: $2 of `SupplServiceCode' has no declared type test1.y:3264.45-46: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3275.27-28: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3275.32-33: $2 of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3276.34-35: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3276.57-58: $6 of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3277.34-35: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3277.57-58: $6 of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3278.34-35: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3278.57-58: $7 of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3279.34-35: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3279.57-58: $7 of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3280.34-35: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3280.57-58: $7 of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3281.34-35: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3281.57-58: $8 of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3282.34-35: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3282.57-58: $8 of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3283.34-35: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3283.57-58: $3 of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3284.34-35: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3284.57-58: $7 of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3285.34-35: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3285.57-58: $7 of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3286.34-35: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3286.57-58: $7 of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3287.34-35: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3287.57-58: $7 of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3288.34-35: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3288.57-58: $2 of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3289.34-35: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3289.57-58: $3 of `SupplServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3292.45-46: $$ of `SupplServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:3297.53-54: $2 of `SupplServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:3302.49-50: $2 of `SupplServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:3305.45-46: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3308.31-32: $1 of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3310.31-32: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3310.36-37: $2 of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3314.31-32: $$ of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3314.36-37: $1 of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3325.45-46: $2 of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3330.45-46: $2 of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3337.57-58: $2 of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3352.45-46: $2 of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3357.45-46: $2 of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3364.57-58: $2 of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3378.45-46: $2 of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3383.45-46: $2 of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3390.57-58: $2 of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3405.45-46: $2 of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3410.45-46: $2 of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3417.57-58: $2 of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3426.45-46: $2 of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3431.47-48: $2 of `SupplServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3443.45-46: $$ of `TapCurrency' has no declared type test1.y:3446.43-44: $$ of `TapCurrency' has no declared type test1.y:3446.48-49: $2 of `TapCurrency' has no declared type test1.y:3448.45-46: $$ of `TapDecimalPlaces' has no declared type test1.y:3451.48-49: $$ of `TapDecimalPlaces' has no declared type test1.y:3451.53-54: $2 of `TapDecimalPlaces' has no declared type test1.y:3453.45-46: $$ of `TaxableAmount' has no declared type test1.y:3456.45-46: $$ of `TaxableAmount' has no declared type test1.y:3456.50-51: $2 of `TaxableAmount' has no declared type test1.y:3464.45-46: $$ of `TaxationList' has no declared type test1.y:3469.45-46: $$ of `Taxation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3472.45-46: $$ of `TaxCode' has no declared type test1.y:3475.39-40: $$ of `TaxCode' has no declared type test1.y:3475.44-45: $2 of `TaxCode' has no declared type test1.y:3482.46-47: $$ of `TaxInformation' has no declared type test1.y:3482.51-52: $3 of `TaxInformation' has no declared type test1.y:3484.45-46: $$ of `TaxInformationList' has no declared type test1.y:3487.50-51: $$ of `TaxInformationList' has no declared type test1.y:3487.55-56: $2 of `TaxInformationList' has no declared type test1.y:3489.45-46: $$ of `TaxInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3492.31-32: $1 of `TaxInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3494.31-32: $$ of `TaxInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3494.36-37: $2 of `TaxInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3498.31-32: $$ of `TaxInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3498.36-37: $1 of `TaxInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3499.39-40: $$ of `TaxInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3500.44-45: $1 of `TaxInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3501.44-45: $2 of `TaxInformation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3505.45-46: $$ of `TaxRate' has no declared type test1.y:3508.39-40: $$ of `TaxRate' has no declared type test1.y:3508.44-45: $2 of `TaxRate' has no declared type test1.y:3510.45-46: $$ of `TaxType' has no declared type test1.y:3513.39-40: $$ of `TaxType' has no declared type test1.y:3513.44-45: $2 of `TaxType' has no declared type test1.y:3515.45-46: $$ of `TaxValue' has no declared type test1.y:3518.40-41: $$ of `TaxValue' has no declared type test1.y:3518.45-46: $2 of `TaxValue' has no declared type test1.y:3522.47-48: $$ of `TeleServiceCode' has no declared type test1.y:3522.52-53: $2 of `TeleServiceCode' has no declared type test1.y:3524.45-46: $$ of `ThirdPartyInformation' has no declared type test1.y:3534.56-57: $1 of `ThreeGcamelDestination' has no declared type test1.y:3539.45-46: $$ of `TimeBand' has no declared type test1.y:3542.40-41: $$ of `TimeBand' has no declared type test1.y:3542.45-46: $2 of `TimeBand' has no declared type test1.y:3544.45-46: $$ of `TimeBandSubtype' has no declared type test1.y:3547.47-48: $$ of `TimeBandSubtype' has no declared type test1.y:3547.52-53: $2 of `TimeBandSubtype' has no declared type test1.y:3549.45-46: $$ of `TotalAdvisedCharge' has no declared type test1.y:3552.50-51: $$ of `TotalAdvisedCharge' has no declared type test1.y:3552.55-56: $2 of `TotalAdvisedCharge' has no declared type test1.y:3555.45-46: $$ of `TotalAdvisedChargeRefund' has no declared type test1.y:3558.56-57: $$ of `TotalAdvisedChargeRefund' has no declared type test1.y:3558.61-62: $2 of `TotalAdvisedChargeRefund' has no declared type test1.y:3570.45-46: $$ of `TotalAdvisedChargeValueList' has no declared type test1.y:3576.45-46: $$ of `TotalAdvisedChargeValue_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3579.45-46: $$ of `TotalCallEventDuration' has no declared type test1.y:3582.54-55: $$ of `TotalCallEventDuration' has no declared type test1.y:3582.59-60: $2 of `TotalCallEventDuration' has no declared type test1.y:3584.45-46: $$ of `TotalChargeRefund' has no declared type test1.y:3587.49-50: $$ of `TotalChargeRefund' has no declared type test1.y:3587.54-55: $2 of `TotalChargeRefund' has no declared type test1.y:3595.33-34: $$ of `TotalChargeValue' has no declared type test1.y:3596.34-35: $$ of `TotalChargeValue' has no declared type test1.y:3596.55-56: $2 of `TotalChargeValue' has no declared type test1.y:3597.34-35: $$ of `TotalChargeValue' has no declared type test1.y:3597.55-56: $3 of `TotalChargeValue' has no declared type test1.y:3600.45-46: $$ of `AbsoluteAmountTag' has no declared type test1.y:3603.46-47: $$ of `AbsoluteAmountTag' has no declared type test1.y:3603.51-52: $2 of `AbsoluteAmountTag' has no declared type test1.y:3605.45-46: $$ of `TotalChargeValueList' has no declared type test1.y:3608.52-53: $$ of `TotalChargeValueList' has no declared type test1.y:3608.57-58: $2 of `TotalChargeValueList' has no declared type test1.y:3610.45-46: $$ of `TotalChargeValue_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3613.31-32: $1 of `TotalChargeValue_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3615.31-32: $$ of `TotalChargeValue_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3615.36-37: $2 of `TotalChargeValue_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3619.42-43: $1 of `TotalChargeValue_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3621.35-36: $$ of `TotalChargeValue_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3621.40-41: $1 of `TotalChargeValue_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3623.47-48: $2 of `TotalChargeValue_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3625.35-36: $$ of `TotalChargeValue_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3625.40-41: $2 of `TotalChargeValue_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3629.35-36: $$ of `TotalChargeValue_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3629.40-41: $1 of `TotalChargeValue_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3634.45-46: $$ of `TotalCommission' has no declared type test1.y:3637.47-48: $$ of `TotalCommission' has no declared type test1.y:3637.52-53: $2 of `TotalCommission' has no declared type test1.y:3639.45-46: $$ of `TotalCommissionRefund' has no declared type test1.y:3642.53-54: $$ of `TotalCommissionRefund' has no declared type test1.y:3642.58-59: $2 of `TotalCommissionRefund' has no declared type test1.y:3644.45-46: $$ of `TotalDataVolume' has no declared type test1.y:3647.47-48: $$ of `TotalDataVolume' has no declared type test1.y:3647.52-53: $2 of `TotalDataVolume' has no declared type test1.y:3649.45-46: $$ of `TotalDiscountRefund' has no declared type test1.y:3652.51-52: $$ of `TotalDiscountRefund' has no declared type test1.y:3652.56-57: $2 of `TotalDiscountRefund' has no declared type test1.y:3654.45-46: $$ of `TotalDiscountValue' has no declared type test1.y:3657.50-51: $$ of `TotalDiscountValue' has no declared type test1.y:3657.55-56: $2 of `TotalDiscountValue' has no declared type test1.y:3659.45-46: $$ of `TotalTaxRefund' has no declared type test1.y:3662.46-47: $$ of `TotalTaxRefund' has no declared type test1.y:3662.51-52: $2 of `TotalTaxRefund' has no declared type test1.y:3664.45-46: $$ of `TotalTaxValue' has no declared type test1.y:3667.45-46: $$ of `TotalTaxValue' has no declared type test1.y:3667.50-51: $2 of `TotalTaxValue' has no declared type test1.y:3670.45-46: $$ of `TrackedCustomerEquipment' has no declared type test1.y:3682.45-46: $$ of `TrackedCustomerHomeIdList' has no declared type test1.y:3688.45-46: $$ of `TrackedCustomerHomeId_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3697.45-46: $$ of `TrackedCustomerIdList' has no declared type test1.y:3703.45-46: $$ of `TrackedCustomerIdentification_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3707.45-46: $$ of `TrackedCustomerInformation' has no declared type test1.y:3721.45-46: $$ of `TrackedCustomerLocList' has no declared type test1.y:3727.45-46: $$ of `TrackedCustomerLocation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3731.45-46: $$ of `TrackingCustomerEquipment' has no declared type test1.y:3743.45-46: $$ of `TrackingCustomerHomeIdList' has no declared type test1.y:3749.45-46: $$ of `TrackingCustomerHomeId_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3758.45-46: $$ of `TrackingCustomerIdList' has no declared type test1.y:3764.45-46: $$ of `TrackingCustomerIdentification_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3768.45-46: $$ of `TrackingCustomerInformation' has no declared type test1.y:3783.45-46: $$ of `TrackingCustomerLocList' has no declared type test1.y:3789.45-46: $$ of `TrackingCustomerLocation_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3792.45-46: $$ of `TrackingFrequency' has no declared type test1.y:3795.49-50: $$ of `TrackingFrequency' has no declared type test1.y:3795.54-55: $2 of `TrackingFrequency' has no declared type test1.y:3797.45-46: $$ of `TrackingPeriod' has no declared type test1.y:3800.46-47: $$ of `TrackingPeriod' has no declared type test1.y:3800.51-52: $2 of `TrackingPeriod' has no declared type test1.y:3802.45-46: $$ of `TransactionAuthCode' has no declared type test1.y:3805.51-52: $$ of `TransactionAuthCode' has no declared type test1.y:3805.56-57: $2 of `TransactionAuthCode' has no declared type test1.y:3808.45-46: $$ of `TransactionDescriptionSupp' has no declared type test1.y:3811.58-59: $$ of `TransactionDescriptionSupp' has no declared type test1.y:3811.63-64: $2 of `TransactionDescriptionSupp' has no declared type test1.y:3814.45-46: $$ of `TransactionDetailDescription' has no declared type test1.y:3817.60-61: $$ of `TransactionDetailDescription' has no declared type test1.y:3817.65-66: $2 of `TransactionDetailDescription' has no declared type test1.y:3819.45-46: $$ of `TransactionIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:3822.53-54: $$ of `TransactionIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:3822.58-59: $2 of `TransactionIdentifier' has no declared type test1.y:3825.45-46: $$ of `TransactionShortDescription' has no declared type test1.y:3828.59-60: $$ of `TransactionShortDescription' has no declared type test1.y:3828.64-65: $2 of `TransactionShortDescription' has no declared type test1.y:3830.45-46: $$ of `TransactionStatus' has no declared type test1.y:3833.49-50: $$ of `TransactionStatus' has no declared type test1.y:3833.54-55: $2 of `TransactionStatus' has no declared type test1.y:3836.45-46: $$ of `TransferCutOffTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:3839.55-56: $$ of `TransferCutOffTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:3839.60-61: $2 of `TransferCutOffTimeStamp' has no declared type test1.y:3841.45-46: $$ of `TransparencyIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:3844.53-54: $$ of `TransparencyIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:3844.58-59: $2 of `TransparencyIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:3846.45-46: $$ of `TypeOfControllingNode' has no declared type test1.y:3849.53-54: $$ of `TypeOfControllingNode' has no declared type test1.y:3849.58-59: $2 of `TypeOfControllingNode' has no declared type test1.y:3860.48-49: $$ of `UMTSQoSRequested' has no declared type test1.y:3860.53-54: $2 of `UMTSQoSRequested' has no declared type test1.y:3864.43-44: $$ of `UMTSQoSUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3864.48-49: $2 of `UMTSQoSUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3866.45-46: $$ of `UserProtocolIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:3869.53-54: $$ of `UserProtocolIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:3869.58-59: $2 of `UserProtocolIndicator' has no declared type test1.y:3871.45-46: $$ of `UtcTimeOffset' has no declared type test1.y:3874.46-47: $$ of `UtcTimeOffset' has no declared type test1.y:3874.51-52: $2 of `UtcTimeOffset' has no declared type test1.y:3876.45-46: $$ of `UtcTimeOffsetCode' has no declared type test1.y:3879.49-50: $$ of `UtcTimeOffsetCode' has no declared type test1.y:3879.54-55: $2 of `UtcTimeOffsetCode' has no declared type test1.y:3889.46-47: $2 of `UtcTimeOffsetInfo' has no declared type test1.y:3897.39-40: $2 of `UtcTimeOffsetInfo' has no declared type test1.y:3902.59-60: $3 of `UtcTimeOffsetInfo' has no declared type test1.y:3906.45-46: $$ of `UtcTimeOffsetInfoList' has no declared type test1.y:3911.45-46: $$ of `UtcTimeOffsetInfo_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3914.45-46: $$ of `ValueAddedServiceUsed' has no declared type test1.y:3922.45-46: $$ of `ValueAddedServiceUsedList' has no declared type test1.y:3928.45-46: $$ of `ValueAddedServiceUsed_iter' has no declared type test1.y:3931.45-46: $$ of `VasCode' has no declared type test1.y:3934.39-40: $$ of `VasCode' has no declared type test1.y:3934.44-45: $2 of `VasCode' has no declared type test1.y:3936.45-46: $$ of `VasDescription' has no declared type test1.y:3939.46-47: $$ of `VasDescription' has no declared type test1.y:3939.51-52: $2 of `VasDescription' has no declared type test1.y:3947.45-46: $$ of `VasShortDescription' has no declared type test1.y:3950.51-52: $$ of `VasShortDescription' has no declared type test1.y:3950.56-57: $2 of `VasShortDescription' has no declared type test1.y:3953.45-46: $$ of `VerticalAccuracyDelivered' has no declared type test1.y:3956.57-58: $$ of `VerticalAccuracyDelivered' has no declared type test1.y:3956.62-63: $2 of `VerticalAccuracyDelivered' has no declared type test1.y:3959.45-46: $$ of `VerticalAccuracyRequested' has no declared type test1.y:3962.57-58: $$ of `VerticalAccuracyRequested' has no declared type test1.y:3962.62-63: $2 of `VerticalAccuracyRequested' has no declared type test1.y:3966.39-40: $$ of `AbsoluteAmount' has no declared type test1.y:3966.44-45: $1 of `AbsoluteAmount' has no declared type test1.y:3968.39-40: $$ of `AsciiString' has no declared type test1.y:3968.44-45: $1 of `AsciiString' has no declared type test1.y:3970.39-40: $$ of `BCDString' has no declared type test1.y:3970.44-45: $1 of `BCDString' has no declared type test1.y:3972.39-40: $$ of `Bid' has no declared type test1.y:3972.44-45: $1 of `Bid' has no declared type test1.y:3974.39-40: $$ of `Code' has no declared type test1.y:3974.44-45: $1 of `Code' has no declared type test1.y:3976.39-40: $$ of `Currency' has no declared type test1.y:3976.44-45: $1 of `Currency' has no declared type test1.y:3978.39-40: $$ of `DataVolume' has no declared type test1.y:3978.44-45: $1 of `DataVolume' has no declared type test1.y:3980.39-40: $$ of `Description' has no declared type test1.y:3980.44-45: $1 of `Description' has no declared type test1.y:3982.39-40: $$ of `HexString' has no declared type test1.y:3982.44-45: $1 of `HexString' has no declared type test1.y:3984.39-40: $$ of `NetworkId' has no declared type test1.y:3984.44-45: $1 of `NetworkId' has no declared type test1.y:3986.39-40: $$ of `NumberString' has no declared type test1.y:3986.44-45: $1 of `NumberString' has no declared type test1.y:3988.39-40: $$ of `PercentageRate' has no declared type test1.y:3988.44-45: $1 of `PercentageRate' has no declared type test1.y:3990.39-40: $$ of `PlmnId' has no declared type test1.y:3990.44-45: $1 of `PlmnId' has no declared type test1.y:3992.39-40: $$ of `SpeechVersion' has no declared type test1.y:3992.44-45: $1 of `SpeechVersion' has no declared type test1.y:3997.45-46: $$ of `OctetString' has no declared type test1.y:3998.53-54: $$ of `OctetString' has no declared type test1.y:4003.45-46: $$ of `Integer' has no declared type test1.y:4004.46-47: $$ of `Integer' has no declared type