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cfservd checksum database being unlinked

From: Adrian Phillips
Subject: cfservd checksum database being unlinked
Date: 29 Apr 2002 09:12:39 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

I couldn't understand why my ssh config was being updated from the
cfengine master server rather often even though the config file hasn't
been changed in months. After much debugging I found the following in
cfservd.c :-

   if ((sd_reply = accept(sd,(struct sockaddr *)&cin,&addrlen)) != -1)
      if (ageing++ > CFD_MAXPROCESSES*4) /* Insurance against stale db */
         {                               /* estimate number of clients */
         unlink(CHECKSUMDB);             /* arbitrary policy ..        */
         ageing = 0;

Which with my MaxProcesses being the default of 10 means that with 10
clients connecting each hour then I would see reloads every 4 hours
which I'm not so happy with.

- what does "stale db" mean ?

- Can this check be avoided somehow ? (I'll probably patch my own
  cfengine but is this code needed ?)


Adrian Phillips

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