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Re: cfservd checksum database being unlinked

From: Mark . Burgess
Subject: Re: cfservd checksum database being unlinked
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 10:47:14 +0200 (MET DST)

This was introduced to solve a problem with the checksums getting
out of sync on filesystems with caching. The changes were not being
detected properly by stat(), so the database was getting out of date.

This policy is to prevent i) the db getting too large, ii) getting
out of date. I'm increasing the factor from 4 to 50 to see how it
performs now.

On 29 Apr, Adrian Phillips wrote:
> I couldn't understand why my ssh config was being updated from the
> cfengine master server rather often even though the config file hasn't
> been changed in months. After much debugging I found the following in
> cfservd.c :-
>    if ((sd_reply = accept(sd,(struct sockaddr *)&cin,&addrlen)) != -1)
>       {
>       if (ageing++ > CFD_MAXPROCESSES*4) /* Insurance against stale db */
>        {                               /* estimate number of clients */
>        unlink(CHECKSUMDB);             /* arbitrary policy ..        */
>        ageing = 0;
>        }
> Which with my MaxProcesses being the default of 10 means that with 10
> clients connecting each hour then I would see reloads every 4 hours
> which I'm not so happy with.
> - what does "stale db" mean ?
> - Can this check be avoided somehow ? (I'll probably patch my own
>   cfengine but is this code needed ?)
> Sincerely,
> Adrian Phillips

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