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Re: action copy options

From: Adrian Phillips
Subject: Re: action copy options
Date: 23 Jul 2002 13:23:32 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

>>>>> "Sabrina" == Sabrina Lautier <> writes:

    Sabrina> Hi !  I use cfengine 2.0.1 and can't find an easy
    Sabrina> solution to do what I want...

    Sabrina> I would like cfengine to copy files hostname.* from the
    Sabrina> server to the directory /etc on the client side.  But I
    Sabrina> also would like it to remove files which exist on the
    Sabrina> client side but not on the server side.


    Sabrina> I've tried the following with the purge option set to
    Sabrina> yes: -------------------------------------------- copy:
    Sabrina> <cfengine_root>/network dest=/etc r=1 include=hostname.*
    Sabrina> purge=true server=<server_name>
    Sabrina> --------------------------------------------

    Sabrina> But this gives the following result:
    Sabrina> -------------------------------------------- server side
    Sabrina> client side hostname.eri0 hostname.eri0
    Sabrina> -------------------------------------------- It removes
    Sabrina> all files which are not hostname.eri0... the thing is
    Sabrina> that I don't want files toto and tutu to be removed.

I don't think there is without specifying ignore for each file,


Adrian Phillips

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