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Re: File distribution with 'type=checksum'

From: David E. Nelson
Subject: Re: File distribution with 'type=checksum'
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 11:14:12 -0600 (CST)

Hi Mark,

Yes, I realized that from the error msg. I did finally find a solution (posted to this forum) using filters but I don't understand why it works. I initially tried:

Type: "link" - but this didn't work.  I had to use:

Type: "dir|link" - then all worked great.


On Mon, 15 Nov 2004, Mark Burgess wrote:

You cannot compare symbolic links by checksum. This applies only
to the links. You have hvae chosen inform=true so you get a message


On Fri, Nov 12, 2004 at 11:28:53AM -0600, David E. Nelson wrote:

Hi All,

I wish to distribute a directory tree of files using 'type=checksum' and
'inform=true'.  The problem is that w/in this tree there are symlinks which
causes an informational msg to be displayed:

cfengine:barbrady: Checksum comparison replaced by ctime: files not regular

I do not want to use 'type=ctime' because if the local copy is newer the
copy will not occur - I want to guarantee that the master copies are always

Is there a way to quell this but still retain 'type=checksum' and


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