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Re: Step by Step Startup ??

From: Mark Burgess
Subject: Re: Step by Step Startup ??
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 21:12:04 +0100
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2.2

At the moment, all I can offer is to attend the USENIX tech conference tutorial
which goes more rationally step by step. More later.


Quoting David Masterson <>:

> Boy, I am getting rusty in my old age...
> Is there a good step by step startup guide for getting CFEngine up and
> running?  I note the following issues:
> 1. The "Getting started" section in the cfengine-Tutorial seems written from
> the point that you have CFEngine installed and running and are looking to
> better understand what to do next.  I'm looking for more on the steps after
> "make install", but before you get cfengine running.
> 2. The "Getting started" guide at the following URL sort of works for me, but
> is not very clear on some things and there is no information on what to do if
> you run into a problem.  This would be an excellent thing to move (or copy)
> to the Wiki so that it could be more easily commented on and updated to
> provide the information people want.
> By the way, is there a planned organization for the Wiki or are you just
> going to let it grow as needed?  Where would be a good place to put
> information for "Getting Started"?
> David Masterson
> Symbol Technologies
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