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Re: List in copy and cross-action communication

From: Mark Burgess
Subject: Re: List in copy and cross-action communication
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 07:25:18 +0200

This problem is not fixable in the current cfengine. It will require
cfengine 3 to fix.

On Thu, 2005-04-21 at 18:22 -0700, Wil Cooley wrote:
> I'm finally moving my Postfix configuration into cfengine and in
> considering how to manage the various database map files (virtual,
> transport, etc, which need to be rebuilt when updated) I see a potential
> for improvement in a couple of areas.  It would be very elegant to be
> able to accomplish this with just one or two stanzas instead of two
> stanzas for _each_ file, if doing it purely in cfengine.  My example
> refers to 3 files, so that's six stanzas. although in reality there
> would likely be more.
> Let me start by saying that I do know how to do this as things are now,
> so I'm not looking for specific advice, rather I'm daydreaming about
> improvements.  (What I will do is to put the map files in a directory
> and use a recursive copy of the source directory, and then run a
> Makefile in a shellcommand.  That'll do as many files as I need in just
> two stanzas, but it seems less elegant than it being totally self-
> contained w/in cfengine.)
> First, the copy of a list.  Given the current behavior of requiring the
> full destination when a full source path is given, it's not possible
> (that I've found, anyway) to use a list/array as the source of a copy.
> The list is expanded as the source just fine, but the destination fails
> with the usual "image exists but destination type is silly".
> Consider something like this:
> control:
>   actionsequence = ( copy )
>   postfix_maps = ( virtual:transport:canonical )
> copy:
>   ${source_directory}/${postfix_maps}
>      dest=/etc/postfix/
>      server=${cfserver}
>      action=warn  # Better for testing
>       # etc
> As you might expect, changing the destination to
> 'dest=/etc/postfix/${postfix_maps}' doesn't work--The list does not
> expand in this context and if it did it would probably expand to all
> three for each source (making 9 copies, ending up maybe with the last
> one being the right file).
> I tried a little trickery by adding 'include=* rec=1', but cfengine was
> on to my shenanigans and still complained.
> There are a few ways around this that seem obvious to me:
>   1. Allow the destination to be a directory by adding an option to the
> copy action, e.g.: 'directory_destination_ok=true'.  I'm not keen on
> adding yet another option that I'll constantly have to lookup in the
> reference manual.  It also does not solve the problem of rebuilding the
> maps, which I will to get to shortly.
>   2. Add a special variable containing the current item in the list,
> kinda like Make does with '$@', with some magic to allow you to retrieve
> the basename of a file.  Then the above could look something like this
> and still not have to relax the destination-is-not-a-directory rule:
> copy:
>   ${source_directory}/${postfix_maps}
>      dest=/etc/postfix/${@}
>      server=${cfserver}
> Having that defined and accessible in the rest of the stanza leads to
> several possibilities for the map rebuilding.
> One option would be to be able to use the '${@}' (or whatever, I don't
> care too much, this just seems like an obvious adaptation from Make) in
> the 'define' parameter:
> copy:
>   ${source_directory}/${postfix_maps}
>      dest=/etc/postfix/${@}
>      server=${cfserver}
>      define=postfix_${@}_needs_rebuild
> Then shellcommands with the defined class:
> shellcommands:
>   postfix_virtual_needs_rebuild::
>     "/usr/sbin/postmap /etc/postfix/virtual"
> Still a lot of redundancy here--I'd need one shellcommands action for
> every map file.
> Another option would be to have some variables that could be associated
> with defined classes; perhaps this is kinda ugly, but imagine that
> '${@}' gets attached to the class where it is defined, perhaps building
> up as a list?  Then you could have the copy just use
> 'define=postfix_map_needs_rebuild' and the associated shellcommands
> action uses the '${@}' (which is expanded internally to be multiple
> shellcommands), like this:
> shellcommands:
>   postfix_map_needs_rebuild::
>     "/usr/sbin/postmap /etc/postfix/${@}"
> The final option, which seems the most elegant to me (and that would
> have lots of other applications), would to forego the classes altogether
> and use shellcommands directly in the copy action:
> copy:
>   ${source_directory}/${postfix_maps}
>      dest=/etc/postfix/${@}
>      server=${cfserver}
>      shellcommand="/usr/sbin/postmap /etc/postfix/${@}"
>      # an "elseshellcommand" would be symmetric to the 'elsedefine'
> Wil
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