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Re: Migrating tickets from Savane

From: Glenn Morris
Subject: Re: Migrating tickets from Savane
Date: Sun, 02 Oct 2011 19:48:12 -0400
User-agent: Gnus (, GNU Emacs (

Ludovic Courtès wrote:

> FYI Olivier Berger of ForgePlucker, Coclico, etc. started a discussion
> at address@hidden regarding the migration of Savane
> tickets to Debbugs:

I wrote what I know about this (which is very little) at "Importing bugs"

If I were doing it, I'd take the bug mails that Savannah sends out and
resend them to debbugs. The first to address@hidden, with a Package:
header added; then take the bug number that you get back and send all
the subsequent messages to address@hidden in sequence.

Or if I did not have the mails that Savannah sends out, I'd just wget
the Savannah bug page, split it up with awk or something into individual
messages, fake some header data, and do the same thing.

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