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debbugs disk space and now NFS mount

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: debbugs disk space and now NFS mount
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2022 19:02:14 -0700

Hello Debbugs Hackers,

Today I noticed that the disk on debbugs was filling up.  It was down
to only about 700MB free space.  Things were pretty snug!

In order to make some space I did two things.  Basically I ejected two
4GB parts off the system freeing up 8GB.  There is now space for a
while.  It looks like this right now.

    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/xvda2       45G   35G  8.1G  81% /

And it also looks like this.

    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    nfs1:/srv/audio-video  300G  220G   80G  74% /net/audio-video

Since audio-video has "borrowed" disk space from other projects before
I figure it was prime to be a lender this time around.  (Regardless of
the lessons Hamlet was supposed to learn.)  Therefore I added that
disk as an NFS mount on debbugs.  I believe everything should be
configured properatly for it to init correctly on reboot.  I should
reboot it soon (during FSF admin daylight hours) to test it just to
verify that it is all configured correctly.  Will do that when

It seems that the new backup keeps a local cache and that local cache
is about 4GB size.  I moved that over to the NFS mount.  The
debbugs-submit.mbox isn't used for live things AFAICS but can be used
to rebuild the archives and other useful purposes.  But it is big and
endlessly growing as well.

    -rw-rw-r-- 1 list list 3.8G Feb 24 20:04 debbugs-submit.mbox.2022-02-24

I moved it off to the NFS disk too.  For long term storage.  I also
added a README file in the directory with this description of events
to inform the future of why things are where.  And then started a new
debbugs-submit.mbox archive file starting fresh from today.  All
Mailman operations are all local on debbugs and only the archive of
the mbox from before today is stored over on the NFS server.

The NFS mounted volume is only actively needed for the restic backup
which is using /root/.cache/restic/* for cache files.

If more space was needed (it wasn't) I contemplated moving the 12GB of
mail archives over to the NFS mount.  And then it could be shared with
the development server debbugs2p.  But it wasn't and so I didn't.  But
I mention it here as an idea for the future in case it becomes needed
due to disk space at some point.

And that is the update on disk space.  We should be good to go for a
while now with the space we have at the moment.


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