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flex++ vs. flex

From: Timm Coerrens
Subject: flex++ vs. flex
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 09:17:55 +0100

Hi anyone,

I generated a scanner with flex, that works well. Now i want to integrate the 
scanner in my c++-application. Therefore i want my given input-file to be 
compiled with flex_pp, because i want the scanner to be a class. It fails on 
line 1 with this stupid 'premature EOF' error. The file works well with flex, 
that is the point!

Here is the content of the file:

#define NODE        1000
#define ATTRIBUTE   1001
#define HIDE        1002
#define SHOW            1003
#define VALUE           1004
#define TEXT            1005
#define BTN         1006
#define ID          1007
#define TEXTID          1008

/* regular definitions */
blank   [" "]
ws      {blank}+
delimf  ["{"]
delimb  ["}"]
delimp  [":"]
letter  [A-Za-z]
digit   [0-9]
id      ({letter}|{digit})({letter}|{digit}|[_]|[-]|{ws})*


MMText                          {/*install_text();*/return(TEXT);}
MMBtn                           {/*install_btn();*/return(BTN);}
TEXT=                           {/*install_value();*/return(VALUE);}
TEXTID=                         {return(TEXTID);}
HIDDEN=ja                       {/*install_hide();*/return(HIDE);}
HIDDEN=nein                     {/*install_show();*/return(SHOW);}

{id}                            {/*install_id();*/return(ID);}

{delimf}                        {/*do nothing*/}
{delimb}                        {/*do nothing*/}
{delimp}                        {/*do nothing*/}


That is all. Can anybody help me with this error? Thank you so much,

yours truly
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