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puzzled by the result of this multi-dimensional array code

From: Peter Lindgren
Subject: puzzled by the result of this multi-dimensional array code
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 21:16:49 +0000 (UTC)

I'm trying to write a gawk program to analyze some simple csv data - values for 
6 variables per 100+ countries. So far, I'm just reading in the data and 
loading it into a 2-dimensional array, called "data". The first data line 
consists of column titles; I split that into a separate array called "titles". 
As a check on what I'm doing so far, I chose to dump or show the USA data, and 
it comes out oddly. I was able to cut down the data to two lines - the column 
titles line and the data line for the USA. I changed the actual data values, 
since they're immaterial; nothing secret though - the source of the original 
data is noted in the code and it is publicly available on the web.

test data: 



#!/usr/bin/env -S gawk -f

# program to analyze cultural data from Geert Hofstede's 
#   see the Culture's Consequences book or:

BEGIN    {FS=";"}

NR==1    {split($0,titles)
    for (x in titles) { print x, titles[x] }

# load the data
    { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
        data[$1][titles[i]] = $i

# process the data

END    { show("USA")
    for (x in titles) { print x, titles[x] }

function show(c) {
    for (x in titles) { print x, titles[x], data[c][titles[x]] }
    print 8, titles[8],data[c][titles[8]]

result of ./countries.awk test.csv  
1 abr
2 full
3 item1
4 item2
5 item3
6 item4
7 item5
8 item6
1 abr USA
2 full U.S.A.
3 item1 24
4 item2 1
5 item3 27
6 item4 75
7 item5 60
1 abr
2 full
3 item1
4 item2
5 item3
6 item4
7 item5
8 item6

Question: why doesn't the title for the 8th column get printed like the others 
do, when I'm showing a real data line? The titles array itself shows up 
correctly just after being saved, and again at END. Hard-coding an 8 in the 
show function doesn't make any difference. 

I am totally ready to believe this is something obvious I'm just missing...


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