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Re: [Help-glpk] LP example from refman

From: Sam Mesh
Subject: Re: [Help-glpk] LP example from refman
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2004 15:45:07 -0400
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Andrew Makhorin wrote:

Can you send me working *.lpt file, please?
See an example plan.lp included in glpk distribution. To run it with
glpsol 4.7 use the following command:

  glpsol --cpxlp plan.lp
Thanks, I am OK with glpk 4.7.

BTW. I had the problem above in glpk 4.4. This the latest on Any ideas why they have not the latest vasrion of th glpk and how to устранить это упущение? :-)
Sam Mesh

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