I think it makes sense to add the feature you mention; I don't think
GLPK has it already, but I haven't checked the code for it.
Realize, however, that your situation is a special case in which all
variables that appear in the objective are integer variables and all of
their objective coefficients are integers as well. The rule you
describe does not apply for general integer programs (even pure integer
Klas Markström wrote:
I have been using glpsol to solve some
minimisation integer programming problems. Right
now the solver often finds the optimal integer
solution with value opt fairly fast and then uses
a lot of time to improve the lower bound from opt
-1 to opt. Since the solver "knows" that this is
an integer programming problem it should be able
to stop as soon as it has improved the lower
bound to anything strictly above the current
optimum minus one.
Is this going to be changed in some upcoming
version of glpsol or is there some simple way to
change the code so it will stop as soon as it
knows that the current best is the optimum?
Klas Markström email: address@hidden
Department of Mathematics fax: (+46)90 786 52 22
Umeå University phone: (+46)90 786 97 21
S-901 87 Umea, Sweden
URL: http://abel.math.umu.se/~klasm/
Brady Hunsaker
Assistant Professor
Industrial Engineering
University of Pittsburgh