to find a solution for it.
1. I solve a lp in which I maximize the value of the structural variable z.
2. Then I reformulate the lp into a mip in which the bounds of z are fixed near the lp solution
and I utilize additional binary variables to switch between zero and default bounds for all structural variables.
The new objective function is just the sum over all binary variables.
I want to find the largest combination of structural variables that can be removed from the system/constrained to zero
without a decrease in z.
e.g. usage of of the binary variable y("R_PMDPHT") to switch between two behaviors.
U("R_PMDPHT"): R("R_PMDPHT") + 10000 y("R_PMDPHT") <= 10000
L("R_PMDPHT"): R("R_PMDPHT") >= 0
0 <= R("R_PMDPHT") <= 10000
If y("R_PMDPHT") becomes 1 than hopefully 0 <= R("R_PMDPHT") <= 0 .
But I get this strange solution when I solve the mip with
"glpsol --cpxlp --exact modelMaximalCombi.lp".
From the solution output:
479 U("R_PMDPHT") 10000 10000
791 L("R_PMDPHT") 0.001 0
229 y("R_PMDPHT") * 1 0 1
380 R("R_PMDPHT") 0.001 0 10000
So R("R_PMDPHT") has a value greater zero although it should not.
Yeah, I now the bounds are really big and surely mip rounding issues come
into play.
(I refer here to the "[Help-glpk] MIP rounding" email from Jean-Sebastien Roy. Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2003 22:55:23 +0200).
But even when I solve the problem with lp relaxation like this --
"glpsol --cpxlp --exact --nomip modelMaximalCombi.lp" --
I get the following result:
479 U("R_PMDPHT") NU 10000 10000 0.0001
791 L("R_PMDPHT") B 0.001 0
229 y("R_PMDPHT") B 1 0 1
380 R("R_PMDPHT") B 0.001 0 10000
y("R_PMDPHT") is exactly 1 and so R("R_PMDPHT") should be zero.
Is this normal? Am I overseeing something?
Could it be that the normal boundary statement
0 <= R("R_PMDPHT") <= 10000
plays a role?
I attached the mip problem in cplex format.
Nikolaus Sonnenschein