> I am getting back to this subject because I am facing a small
> problem using GLPK both on Windows and Linux.
> As I said in my previous e-mail, I managed to compile the library
> to use GLPK in java for Linux, and it works fine. However, I get a
> difference when running an instance under Windows on the one hand and
> on Linux on the other hand: it is the same optimal solution (same
> primal values for variables), but the basis is different, as well as
> the dual values of constraints and variables. It is a problem as I
> need to use these dual values in a Branch-and-Price algorithm to get
> new columns.
> During my investigation, I saw a difference that might be linked to
> this behaviour: when printing the solution into a file (using
> glp_print_sol), the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions (at the
> end) don #39;t provide exactly the same display. On the one hand
> (Linux), there are 2 digits for the powers of 10 (ex: 0.00e+00), and
> on the other hand (Windows), there are 3 (ex: 0.00e+000).
> Could the problem I am facing be linked to a rounding problem? If
> so, how can I make the result identical for Windows and Linux?
> If you need the model for which this problem occurs, feel free to ask.
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