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[Help-glpk] financial compensation

From: Zvonko Bregar
Subject: [Help-glpk] financial compensation
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2012 08:13:18 +0000

Hello everyone,

I came across a certain combinatorial problem.

Of a mandatory debt compensation between firms.

The problem can be stated as:

You have a directed graph.

Each vortex presents a firm (a company).

Each (directed) link from A to B presents the money amount that the A-firm must pay to the B-firm.

And the problem is to reduce all the redundant cycles,

For example if A owes 7000 to B and B owes 5000 to C and C owes 2000 back to A then this cycle could be reduced by 2000 and the link between C and A becomes obsolete.

My question is whether or not this problem can be formulated as a mixed integer linear program.

If Yes, does it makes sense or it would be much better to apply some graph theory alghoritms for minimal trees, cycles etc.

If it does make sense to apply MILP please point me to the literature.

Thank you in advance


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