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Re: [Help-glpk] mathprog and multiline strings

From: Henri Gourvest
Subject: Re: [Help-glpk] mathprog and multiline strings
Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2013 23:07:06 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130107 Thunderbird/17.0.2

Le 09/02/13 22:56, Jeffrey Kantor a écrit :
Hi Henri,

This would be very helpful, indeed.  Could you give a brief usage example?

yes of course, this is the newsvendor print section in html

param html, symbolic, default "solution.html";

param header, symbolic, default """
<table class="table table-condensed">

param line, symbolic, default """

param footer, symbolic, default """
    <tr class="info">

# align col number on the right
printf """
    table td:not(:first-child),
    table th:not(:first-child)
    {text-align: right !important;}
""" >> html;

printf header, "Expected value of the mean solution" >> html;

printf {k in SCENS} line,
   k, Pr[k], D[k], ExD, min(ExD,D[k]), max(ExD-D[k],0),
   -c*ExD + r*min(ExD,D[k]) + w*max(ExD-D[k],0) >> html;

printf footer,
   'MEAN', ExD, ExD, sum{k in SCENS}Pr[k]*min(ExD,D[k]),
   sum{k in SCENS}Pr[k]*max(ExD-D[k],0),EVM >> html;

printf header, "Expected value with perfect information" >> html;

printf {k in SCENS} line,
   k, Pr[k], D[k], D[k], D[k], 0, -c*D[k] + r*D[k] >> html;
printf footer,
   'MEAN', ExD, ExD, ExD,0,EVPI >> html;

printf header, "Two stage stochastic programming" >> html;
printf {k in SCENS} line,
   k, Pr[k], D[k], x, y[k], x-y[k], -c*x + r*y[k] + w*(x-y[k]) >> html;
printf footer,
   'MEAN', ExD, x, sum{k in SCENS}Pr[k]*y[k],
   sum{k in SCENS}Pr[k]*(x-y[k]),ExProfit >> html;

printf """
        <li>Order Quantity = %g</li>
        <li>Expected Profit = %g</li>
        <li>Value of perfect information: %.2f</li>
        <li>Value of the stochastic solution: %.2f</li>
x, ExProfit, EVPI - ExProfit, ExProfit - EVM >> html;

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