and glp_intopt() call runs "forever". I was reading docs and found note there:
\* Problem: amounts *\
obj: + 0.03 x_6 + 0.0375 x_7 + 0.1 x_8 + 0.0333333333333333 x_9
Subject To
r_1: + 9.281400000008 x_5 + 2.548 x_4 + 0.17905 x_3 + 2.9625 x_2
+ 1.0491 x_1 - ~r_1 = -80000
r_2: + 9.2814 x_5 + 0.744 x_4 + 0.02325 x_3 + 0.34875 x_2 + 0.0651 x_1
- ~r_2 = -32000
r_3: + 4e-12 x_5 + 0.369 x_4 + 0.10291 x_3 + 1.99875 x_2 + 0.0082 x_1
- ~r_3 = -12000
r_4: + 4e-12 x_5 + 1.435 x_4 + 0.05289 x_3 + 0.615 x_2 + 0.9758 x_1
- ~r_4 = -36000
r_5: + x_5 + 10 x_4 + x_3 + 18.75 x_2 + x_1 <= 800
r_6: + x_6 + 9.281400000008 x_5 + 2.548 x_4 + 0.17905 x_3 + 2.9625 x_2
+ 1.0491 x_1 >= 400
r_7: - x_6 + 9.281400000008 x_5 + 2.548 x_4 + 0.17905 x_3 + 2.9625 x_2
+ 1.0491 x_1 <= 400
r_8: + x_7 + 9.2814 x_5 + 0.744 x_4 + 0.02325 x_3 + 0.34875 x_2
+ 0.0651 x_1 >= 160
r_9: - x_7 + 9.2814 x_5 + 0.744 x_4 + 0.02325 x_3 + 0.34875 x_2
+ 0.0651 x_1 <= 160
r_10: + x_8 + 4e-12 x_5 + 0.369 x_4 + 0.10291 x_3 + 1.99875 x_2
+ 0.0082 x_1 >= 60
r_11: - x_8 + 4e-12 x_5 + 0.369 x_4 + 0.10291 x_3 + 1.99875 x_2
+ 0.0082 x_1 <= 60
r_12: + x_9 + 4e-12 x_5 + 1.435 x_4 + 0.05289 x_3 + 0.615 x_2
+ 0.9758 x_1 >= 180
r_13: - x_9 + 4e-12 x_5 + 1.435 x_4 + 0.05289 x_3 + 0.615 x_2
+ 0.9758 x_1 <= 180
0 <= ~r_1 <= 160000
0 <= ~r_2 <= 64000
0 <= ~r_3 <= 24000
0 <= ~r_4 <= 72000
100 <= x_1 <= 400
8 <= x_2 <= 16
2 <= x_3 <= 400
4 <= x_4 <= 20
4 <= x_5 <= 30
It does not seems to be large scale, and I am not sure if this is classified as hard problem? Also the interesting part is that on the older version of glpk it was solved without any problems.
Thanks for help.