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[Fwd: GLPK library for Dev-C++]

From: Andrew Makhorin
Subject: [Fwd: GLPK library for Dev-C++]
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2022 19:49:20 +0300

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Christian Prins <>
Subject: GLPK library for Dev-C++
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2022 11:54:03 +0200

> Dear Andrei,
> I am a professor of operations research and industrial engineering at 
> the University of Technology of Troyes, France.
> I love GLPK and use it for instance an LP solver in Julia. But I
> would 
> like to use it with the refactored version of Dev-C++, supervised by 
> Embarcadero the publisher of Delphi. I use this new Dev-C++ for a
> C/C++ 
> course because the IDE is much smaller than Visual Studio Code and it
> is 
> based on TDM-GCC, the Windows version of the Linux compiler GCC. Using
> maximum optimization, I found that TDM-GCC is 20% faster than Visual 
> C/C++ of Microsoft.
> As usual in C/C++, the problem is the makefile which can be found for 
> Windows, but only for Visual C/C++. Please do you have by chance a 
> Dev-C++ version of the GLPK library?
> Another way to solve the problem wuld be to make a "header only 
> library", by putting all the code in a ".h" file. This is what the 
> designers of the BOOST graph library have chosen.
> I had a look to the code of GLP but the task is not so easy : there
> are 
> many files that cannot be simply concatenated in a single larger file.
> I thank you also if you have any advice or recommendations for this
> problem.
> All the best,
> Christian PRINS
> Professor of Operations Research
> Troyes University of Technology
> France

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