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Re: macintosh OSX emacs: copy/paste

From: Hugo Wolf
Subject: Re: macintosh OSX emacs: copy/paste
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 19:36:46 GMT
User-agent: Halime (MacOSX)/1.0b1

In <> Greg Trafton  wrote:
>> For paste into emacs use mouse-middle or emacs' Edit menu.
> emacs' Edit menu doesn't seem to work

Oops, you're right, it doesn't.  Ctl-y should work though.

It _is_ possible to a limited extent to get Mac-like behavior with the 
command key.  You can do this by making command be alt (and option be 
meta), and then binding cut&paste functions to alt-v, alt-x, alt-c etc.  
But this is in some ways worse than nothing, since it behaves a little 
like MacOS but not that much.  Better just to put your emacs hat on when 
you run emacs and forget about the underlying platform altogether...

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