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Re: Lobotimze Java mode indentation engine?

From: Klaus Berndl
Subject: Re: Lobotimze Java mode indentation engine?
Date: 29 Jul 2003 14:26:13 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, Kai Großjohann wrote:

>  I think it might be useful, for consistency with others, to frob the
>  Java indentation settings such that a line after an open paren is
>  indented as + or ++ instead of aligning with the open paren.
>  Maybe it would be even more useful if this only happened if the open
>  paren was the last thing on a line, whereas the existing behavior
>  stays if there is stuff after the open paren.  This way, I could get:
>  some_function(first_arg,
>                second_arg);
>  some_really_long_function_name_with_args_on_next_line(
>      first_arg,
>      second_arg);

I have written this small code only by hitting return, i.e. autom. indented:

| void
| test_function()
| {
|    function_call(arg1,
|                  arg2,
|                  arg3);
|    function_call(
|       arg1,
|       arg2,
|       arg3);
| }

I think, this is what you want, isn't it?
BTW: IMHO this is useful not only for Java, but also for C and C++....

Here are my settings (sorry, maybe there is contained some noise for you, but
i hope there is also what you search for):

(defconst c-indentation 3)

(defvar my-c-style
  `((c-basic-offset                . ,c-indentation)
    ;; always indent current line regardless if point within a comment or
    ;; literal.
    (c-tab-always-indent           . t)
    ;; use this instead the setting a line above if you wish to indent
    ;; current line but additionally a real TAB-char should be inserted if
    ;; point is within a comment or literal.
;;    (c-tab-always-indent           . 'other)
    (c-comment-only-line-offset    . 0)
    (c-hanging-braces-alist        . ((substatement-open . my-set-begin-block)
                                      (block-close . my-c-snug-do-while)))
    (c-hanging-colons-alist        . ((member-init-intro before)
                                      (case-label after)
                                      (label after)
                                      (access-label after)))
    (c-cleanup-list                . (scope-operator
    (c-offsets-alist               . ((arglist-close .
                                      (substatement-open . 0)
                                      (case-label        . ,c-indentation)
                                      (block-open        . 0)
                                      (inline-open       . 0)
                                      (template-args-cont .
                                      (inher-cont     . c-lineup-multi-inher)
                                      (statement-cont . (c-lineup-math +))
                                      (knr-argdecl-intro . -)))
    (c-echo-syntactic-information-p . t)
  "My C Programming Style")

;; Customizations for all of c-mode, c++-mode, objc-mode and java-mode
(defun my-c-mode-common-hook ()
  ;; add my personal style and set it for the current buffer
  (c-add-style "PERSONAL" my-c-style t)
  ;; offset customizations not in my-c-style
  (c-set-offset 'member-init-intro '++)
  ;; other customizations
  ;; set the physical tabwidth to the standard-value of most editors
  ;; this setting has NOTHING to do with the indentation of lines (look at
  ;; c-basic-offset)!
  (setq tab-width 8)
  ;; this will make sure spaces are used instead of tabs
  (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
  ;; comments should be treated as whitespace in paren-matching, jumping
  ;; etc.
  (setq parse-sexp-ignore-comments t)
  ;; we like auto-newline and hungry-delete
  (c-toggle-auto-hungry-state 1)
  ;; keybindings for C, C++, and Objective-C.  We can put these in
  ;; c-mode-base-map because c++-mode-map and java-mode-map  and
  ;; c-mode-map inherit it.
  (define-key c-mode-base-map "\C-m" 'my-cc-mode-return)
  ;; we must define [M-q] here again
  (define-key c-mode-base-map (kbd "M-q") 'my-filling)
  ;; compile should be at [C-c m]
  (define-key c-mode-base-map (kbd "C-c m") 'compile)
  ;;(setq delete-key-deletes-forward t)
  ;;(define-key c-mode-base-map [delete] 'c-electric-delete)
  ;; do automatic expansion of c(++)-template-symbols after hitting SPC
  ;(define-key c-mode-base-map (kbd "SPC") 'tempo-space)
  ;; lines of a c-block-comment should begin with a ""
  (set-variable 'c-block-comment-prefix "")
  ;; we want no autofilling within cpp-makros string-literals and normal code
  (set-variable 'c-ignore-auto-fill '(string cpp code))
  ;; turn on adaptive auto-fill-mode for easy writing comments
  (auto-fill-mode 1)
  ;; no automatic newlines after ';' if following line is non blank or
  ;; inside oneline inline methods
  (add-to-list 'c-hanging-semi&comma-criteria
  (add-to-list 'c-hanging-semi&comma-criteria
  ;; fillup comments after column 78
  (set-variable 'fill-column 78)
  ;; we want to add a comment behind the closing brace of a block.
  ;; If you do not want this feature you must only comment out the following
  ;; line.
  (add-hook 'c-special-indent-hook 'comment-block-close)
  ;; aktivate glasses-mode
  ;; (glasses-mode t)
  ;; camelCase
  (autoload 'camelCase-mode "camelCase-mode" nil t)
  (camelCase-mode 1)
  (setq camelCase-modeline-indicator " cC")
  (paren-toggle-open-paren-context 1)
  (setq semantic-function-argument-separator ", ")
;;  (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ " ")

Klaus Berndl                    mailto:
sd&m AG               
software design & management    
Thomas-Dehler-Str. 27, 81737 München, Germany
Tel +49 89 63812-392, Fax -220

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