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Re: My gnuServer notes on Win2000

From: kgold
Subject: Re: My gnuServer notes on Win2000
Date: 12 Aug 2003 21:08:16 GMT

FWIW, I have this in my emacs for Windows, Linux, and AIX:

; gnuserv

(require 'gnuserv)

On Windows, running "gnuclientw" just works.  On Unix, I have to start
one "emacs", and then use "gnuclient" once emacs is running.

"Herb Martin" <> writes:
> I have trouble getting gnuServ gnuClient (gnuClientW)
> to work (I'm new to Emacs) but this is what I found.
> The 'docs' don't explain much...
> Starting gnuServ manually is worthless but once you get
> it working there is no need to putz around with ports and
> such unless you want to change them or you want to run
> it on a remote machine.
> I put all the gnu* executables on my path but that didn't
> help, so I shoved them into the emacs\bin directory and
> found/wrote some code to make it work without having
> to add THAT to the path....
> I needed this snippet of code (for .emacs file):
> From> Sams Teach Yourself Emacs in 24 Hours
> URL>
> Search the page for> Using gnuClient
> ;; start gnuserv on Windows
> (if (or (eq window-system 'w32) (eq window-system 'win32))
>     (progn
>       (require 'gnuserv)
>       (setq server-done-function 'bury-buffer
>       gnuserv-frame (car (frame-list)))
>       (gnuserv-start)
>       ;;; open buffer in existing frame instead of creating new one...
>       (setq gnuserv-frame (selected-frame))
>       (message "gnuserv started.")))
> ;; end gnuserv start on Windows
> ;;This was needed from the README.nt included in the distr:
> (setenv "GNUSERV_SHOW_EMACS" "1"); force gnuserv to show emacs
> ;;But it hasn't worked yet. <frown>
> Then I needed a batch file to open many files at once, e.g.,
> e *.txt
> e file.txt file.c file.el c:\bat\e.cmd
> @REM   here's the e.cmd file (on my path) - 1 line & echoes each file
> @for %%a in (%*) do @echo %%a & @D:\Programs\emacs\bin\gnuclientw %%a
> @REM change D:\... path for your machine
> Then you can use "ftype" to set your txtfile (or whatever) to e.cmd
> ftype txtfile=c:\bat\e.cmd %1
> (to check the current setting you might want to just use:  ftype txtile
> ...first.)
> Or check all the txtfile types:
> assoc | findstr txtfile
> (sorry about the findstr, I use grep/fgrep but findstr is built-in)

Ken Goldman   914-784-7646

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