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copy key binding to another key WITHOUT knowing the function behind it.

From: leo
Subject: copy key binding to another key WITHOUT knowing the function behind it.
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 19:38:31 +1100

hi there

due to using cua-lite i have key bindings like:

    (lambda (prefix) "Deactivate mark and call `previous-line'
     interactively." (interactive "p") (cua-lite-ensure-mark nil)
     (call-interactively (quote previous-line)) (when t (setq
     this-command (quote previous-line))))

now i want to move this key binding to another key (ctrl-up) without
repeating this long function definition.

is there a way to say "key1's binding should be bound to key2"?

thanks, leo

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