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RE: Open files in a new frames from command line

From: Bingham, Jay
Subject: RE: Open files in a new frames from command line
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2004 17:12:41 -0600

On Monday, February 02, 2004 at 4:18 PM Kevin Rodgers wrote

> Oliver Scholz wrote:
>> There is no such command line option, but you could make your own
>> command line option, if you put something like this (only slightly
>> tested) into your .emacs:
>> (defun my-is-option-p (str)
>>   "Return non-nil if STR is an command line option."
>>   (string-match "^--?"
>>              str))
>> (defun my-command-line-make-new-frames ()
>>   "Process open each files in a new frame.
>> This function is supposed to be an element of
>> `command-line-functions' (q.v.). Its functionality is triggered
>> if ARGI is \"--as-frames\" and opens each element in
>> COMMAND-LINE-ARGS-LEFT not starting with a slash as a file in a
>> separate frame."
>>   (when (string= argi "--as-frames")
>>     (unless (my-is-option-p (car command-line-args-left))
>>       (find-file (pop command-line-args-left)))
>>     (while (and command-line-args-left
>>              (not (my-is-option-p
>>                    (car command-line-args-left))))
>>       (find-file-other-frame
>>        (pop command-line-args-left))
>>       t)))
>> (push 'my-command-line-make-new-frames
>>       command-line-functions)
> It's a lot easier to use command-switch-alist:
> (setq command-switch-alist
>    (cons '("--other-frame" . find-file-other-frame-command-line-arg) ;
>     command-switch-alist))

I agree it is a lot easier to use command-switch-alist, especially when
I found that the original suggestion does not work in emacs 21.1 or
However I have a question about your implementation since my reading of
the documentation on command-switch-alist indicates that the hyphen is
not included in the CAR of the alist.  I don't know how that plays with
double hyphen options.

> (defun find-file-other-frame-command-line-arg (switch)
>    "Visit next command line argument (after SWITCH) in a new frame."
>    ;; (prog1 (car x) (setq x (cdr x))) == (pop x):
>    (find-file-other-frame (prog1 (car command-line-args-left)
>                          (setq command-line-args-left
>                                (cdr command-line-args-left)))))

If you are looking for easy, why would you want to type that big long
option before every file name?  Here is what I did to Oliver's function
to make it work with only one option that affects all the remaining file
names on the command line.

  '(("fpf" . jcb-frame-per-file))))

 (defun jcb-frame-per-file (arg)
  "Open each file on the command line in a new frame.
This function is triggered by the '-fpf' command line option.
Each file on the command line that follows it is opened in its own
  (while (and command-line-args-left
             (not ((string-match "^--?" str)
                   (car command-line-args-left))))
     (pop command-line-args-left) t)

>> Use as
>> emacs --as-frames lirum.txt larum.txt
> Invoke as emacs --other-frame FILE ...

Invoke as:
 emacs first-file -fpf second-file ...

if the -fpf option is before the first file name then n+1 frames are
opened and *scratch* is in the first frame.

.    HP - NonStop Austin Software & Services - Software Quality
.    Austin, TX
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.  Never clothe them in vulgar and shoddy attire."     -Dr. George W.

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