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defining many similar functions using macros

From: Joe Corneli
Subject: defining many similar functions using macros
Date: Sat, 02 Oct 2004 22:25:37 -0500

I have a lot of functions that are very similar:

(defun tex-alpha ()
  (insert "\\alpha"))

(defun tex-beta ()
  (insert "\\beta"))


I would like to define them all in one go:

(dolist (elt '("alpha"
  (define-tex-symbol elt))

This seems like a good chance to use a macro.  My first experiment
along these lines fails however, and I could use some help
re-designing it.

This macro works on single elements:

(defmacro define-tex-symbol (name)
  `(defun ,(intern (concat "tex-" name)) ()
     (insert "\\" ,name)))

E.g. (define-tex-symbol "alpha") ;=> tex-alpha


(dolist (elt '("alpha"
  (define-tex-symbol elt))

triggers an error:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument sequencep elt)
  concat("tex-" elt)
  (intern (concat "tex-" name))
  (list (quote defun) (intern (concat "tex-" name)) nil (quote (interactive)) 
(list (quote insert) "\\" name))

There seem to be some subtleties associated with macro expansion
that I'm missing here.  Help would be appreciated.

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