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RE: Setting vairables in .emacs and the PMD Emacs plugin

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: Setting vairables in .emacs and the PMD Emacs plugin
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2004 11:47:00 -0700

The error you are getting is saying that one or more of the symbols
set-pmd-java, set-pmd-home, and set-pmd-rulesets is not a defined function
(yet you are calling them as functions in your .emacs). They are probably
not defined because library pmd never got loaded.

You need to check that library pmd actually gets loaded. Look at variable
"features" to see if it contains pmd:

C-h v RET features

If not, then pmd never got loaded, probably because the directory pmd.el[c]
is not in your load-path (another Emacs variable).

You need to do this in your .emacs file, in that case, before the "require":

(add-to-list 'load-path "your-path-to-directory-with-pmd")



-----Original Message-----From: Michelle
(require 'pmd)

(set-pmd-java "/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.1_02/bin/java")
(set-pmd-home "/usr/local/pmd")
(set-pmd-rulesets "/usr/local/pmd")--

However, I keep getting the error, "Error in init file: Symbol's
function definition is void". I've tried different formats, etc. but
it's not helping. Can anyobdy offer any advice?

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