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Re: jde without beanshell?

From: Phillip Lord
Subject: Re: jde without beanshell?
Date: 04 Nov 2004 15:00:42 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2.93

>>>>> "Joe" == Joe Casadonte <> writes:

  Joe> Is it possible to use JDE without the beanshell?  It takes so
  Joe> damn long to start up, and I've a reasonably fast box.....

Do you mean JDE takes a long time to start up, or the beanshell in

It's also possible that your configuration is causing the problems. If
your jde-global-classpath has lots of jars in it, this might take
longer, as, I think, the beanshell still scans the classpath at start

Finally, you might want to mail the JDE mailing list instead. You'll
get a lot more feedback on JDE issues there. 



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